Sample Citations
We will use the Modern Language Association (MLA) Style as the standard for the course. Below you will find selected examples of citations. For a complete list go to the online MLA Style Guide or to the MLA Style Guide of Electronic Sources.
MLA Style Guide
MLA Style Guide of Electronic Sources
Electronic Style
In these examples, all italics are the equivilant of _underlining_.
Single Author:
Aufderheide, Patricia. Beyond PC: Toward a Politics of Understanding. St. Paul, Minn.: Graywolf Press, 1992.
Multiple Authors:
Price, Janet R., Allen H. Levine and Eve Cary. The Rights of Students. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University, 1988.
Edited Collection:
Horwitz, Eleanor C., ed. Clearcutting: A View from the Top. Washington: Acropolis Books, 1974.
Daily Newspaper:
Barker, Mayerene. "Cal State Faculty Senate Rejects Speech Limits." Los Angeles Times 17 May 1991, Home Ed.: B1.
Weekly Magazine or Newspaper:
Durbin, Kathie, "The Okanogan County Wars." Seattle Weekly. 11 January 1995: 16-25.
Monthly or Bimonthly Magazine:
Collins, Huntly. "PC and the Press." Change January/February 1992: 12-16.
Specialized Journal with Continuous Pagination throughout the annual volume:
Buchen, Irving H. "The Impact of Cultural Diversity on Faculty and Students." Equity & Excellence Vol. 25, Nos. 2-4, 1992: 228-232.
Law Review Article:
Matsuda, Mari J. "Public Response to Racist Speech: Considering the Victim's Story." 87 Michigan Law Review 230 (August 1989)
Matsuda, Mari J. "Public Response to Racist Speech: Considering the Victim's Story." Michigan Law Review Vol. 87, August 1989: 2320-2381.
Government Documents
Court Case:
United States. Supreme Court. Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire. 315 U.S. 568. 1942
Congress. House. Telecommunications Infrastructure and Facilities Assistance Act of 1993. 103 Cong., 1st Sess. H.R.2639.
Published Reports:
New York State. Committee on State Prisons. Investigation of the New York State Prison. 1883; rpt. New York: Arno, 1974.
Published Hearing:
U.S. Cong. Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack. Hearings. 79th Cong. 1st and 2nd sess. 32 vols. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1946
Published Report with author:
U.S. Cong. House.Memphis Riots and Massacres. by E.B. Washburne. 39th Cong., 2nd sess. H. Rept. 101. 1866; rpt. New York: Arno, 1969.
Executive Order
U.S. President. Executive Order. "National Defense Industrial Resources Preparedness." 1994-06-06. 6 June 1994.
Executive Order via Internet
U.S. President. Executive Order. "National Defense Industrial Resources Preparedness." 1994-06-06. 6 June 1994. SunSite Based Government Documents.
Communications Act of 1934. U.S. Code. Vol 47. sec. 315 (1989)
Communications Act of 1934. 47 U.S.C. sec. 315 (1989)
Institutional Sources
Unpublished Paper or Report:
American Civil Liberties Union. "Hate Speech on Campus." Briefing Paper. New York: 1993.
Newsletter or Pamphlet:
Teachers for a Democratic Culture. Democratic Culture. Newsletter. Evanston, Ill. Spring 1993.
Association Magazine:
Culver, Kate. "Campus Fires." Quill October 1993: 12-15.
Report of an Interview
Warren, Bob. District Aide. Constituent Services and Natural Resources Specialist. Fourth Congressional District, Oregon. Personal Interview. 8 Nov. 1990. (503) 465-6731
Internet Sources.
Clarinet NewsGroup
"Chicken Wing Wars Hit Court." Associated Press,, 2 February 1995.
E-mail Interview
Warren, Bob. District Aide. Constituent Services and Natural Resources Specialist. Fourth Congressional District, Oregon. E-mail Interview. 8 Nov. 1990. (503) 465-6732
Bill on THOMAS
Congress. Senate. Rural Preventive Health Care Training Act of 1995. 104th Congress, 1st Session, S. 59. THOMAS. 2 February1995. S 59 IS.
Magazine Article
Osborne, David "Barry & Ollie & Us." Mother Jones. January/February 1995. Mother Jones.