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Funeral Industry Practices Trade Regulation Rule

An example of a TRR. This is an amendment to the original TRR. The example only includes the original provisions, not the amendments

Final amended trade regulation rule

SUMMARY: The Federal Trade Commission issues final amendments to the Funeral Industry Practices Trade Regulation Rule (hereafter "the Rule" or "the original Rule"), pursuant to the review mandated by @ 453.10 of the Rule. That provision required that the Commission initiate a rulemaking amendment proceeding no later than four years after the effective date of the Rule to determine whether the rule should be amended or terminated.

EFFECTIVE DATE: The amended Rule will become effective on July 19, 1994.

ADDRESSES: Requests for copies of the amended Rule and the Statement of The Commission promulgated the original Rule on September 24, 1982, making it fully effective on April 30, 1984. n2 The Commission's decision to promulgate the Rule was appealed, and was subsequently affirmed in Harry & Bryant Co. v. FTC.

The Funeral Rule declares it an unfair or deceptive act or practice for funeral providers to: (1) fail to furnish price information to funeral consumers; (2) require consumers to purchase items they do not desire to buy; and (3) embalm deceased human remains for a fee without authorization. The Rule further declares it a deceptive practice for funeral providers to misrepresent: (1) the necessity for embalming, caskets for cremation, and grave vaults or grave liners; (2) legal and cemetery requirements; (3) preservation and protection capabilities of funeral goods and services; and (4) cash advance charges for items arranged for by the funeral provider on the consumer's behalf.


School of Journalism and Communication