2 Art. I [[section]] 10, the Constitution of Oregon.
3 Nixon v. Warner Communications Inc., 435 U.S. 589 (1977) at 597; William Ollie Key Jr., "The Common Law Right to Inspect and Copy Judicial Records: In Camera or on Camera," 16 Georgia Law Review 659 (1982) at 667 and 668.
4 Nixon v. Warner Communications Inc., at 597-599; Key, at 667; The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, "Access to Judicial Records," (Summer 1990) at 2.
5 ORS 7.211 (adoption); ORS 7.215(paternity proceedings); ORS 107.600 (divorce proceedings); ORS 109.235 (adoption); ORS 109.440 (adoption); ORS419.498 (juvenile court); ORS 419.567 (juvenile court).
6 State Department of Justice, Attorney General's Public Records and Meetings Manual (1993), at 3.
7 ORS 192.690.
8 Evan Burkholder, "Confidentiality and the courts: Protecting the right to privacy," Judicature (April-May 1993), at 311.
9 State ex rel Oregonian Publishing Co. v. Deiz, 289 Or 277 (1980) at 284.
10 Press-Enterprise Co. v. Superior Court of California, 106 S.Ct. 2735 (1986), at 2740.
11 Press-Enterprise Co. v. Superior Court of California, (1986) at 2743; Michael J. Hayes, "What Ever Happened to the `Right to Know'?" 73 Virginia Law Review 1111, (1987), at 1121.
12 Press-Enterprise Co. v. Riverside Superior Court, 464 U.S. 501 (1984); Press-Enterprise Co. v. Riverside Superior Court, 106 S.Ct. 2735 (1986).
13 The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, "Access to Judicial Records," The News Media and the Law (Summer 1990), at 3.
14 The Oregonian Publishing Co. v. U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon, 920 F.2d 1462 (9th Cir. 1990).
15 Attorney General's Manual at 83.
16 ORS 132.310.
17 ORS 132.410.
18 ORS 133.723; ORS 133.729.
19 ORS 430.475(1)(2).
20 ORS 192.502(17); Attorney General's Manual at 51.
21 ORS 133.555(4).
22 ORS 133.575(3); State v. Callaghan, 33 Or App 49 (1978) at 56.
23 Richmond Newspapers Inc. v. Virginia, 448 U.S. 555 (1980).
24 Oregonian Publishing Co. v. O'Leary, 736 P.2d 173 (1987); State ex rel Oregonian Publishing Co. v. Deiz, 289 Or. 277 (1980).
25 Oregonian Publishing Co. v. Deiz, 289 Or. 277 (1980), at 284.
26 Ibid, at 285.
27 ORS 137.077.
28 ORS 109.235.
29 ORS 7.211.
30 ORS 107.600.
31 ORS 107.785.
32 ORS 7.215.
33 ORS 18.425.
34 ORS 305.430(3).
35 Philip Corboy, "Court Secrecy: The Closed Circle and the Public Interest," 3 Maryland Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 1 (1991), at 11-18.
36 Ibid, at 1,2 and 5.
37 Ibid, at 2; Suzanne Conlon, "Confidentiality and the courts: preserving judicial discretion," Judicature (April-May 1993), at 307.
38 ORS 30.402.
39 Rule 36, General Provisions Governing Discovery, Merrill's Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure: 1992 Handbook, at 95.
40 Seattle Times Co. v. Rhinehart, 104 S.Ct. 2199 (1984) at 2207.
41 Ibid at 2207.
42 Nicole Schultheis and Arthur Bryant, "Unnecessary Secrecy in Civil Litigation: Combating the Threat to Effective Self-Governance," 3 Maryland Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 49 (1991), at 70; Rule 26(C), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
43 Rule 36(C), General Provisions Governing Discovery, Merrill's Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure: 1992 Handbook, at 96 and 97.
44 Rule 26(C), Protective Orders, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, appendix of Merrill's Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure: 1992 Handbook, at 491.
45 Nichole Schultheis and Arthur Bryant, "Unnecessary Secrecy in Civil Litigation: Combating the Threat to Effective Self-Governance," 3 Maryland Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 49 (1991), at 57.
46 Alfred W. Cortese Jr. and Kathleen L. Blaner, "The Constitutional Limits of Public Access," 3 Maryland Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 25 (1991), at 27.
47 Richmond Newspapers Inc. v. Virginia, 448 U.S. 555 (1980), at 580.
48 ORS 1.040.
49 Telephone interview with Brad Swank, legal management analyst, State Court Administrator's office, May 16, 1994; trial administrator's office, Lane County Circuit Court, May 16, 1994.
50 Nixon v. Warner Communications Inc., 435 U.S. 589 (1977); State ex rel KOIN-TV Inc. v. Olsen, 300 Or. 392 (1985).
51 Trial Court Program Division, State Court Administrator, Salem, Ore.
52 Telephone interview with Multnomah County Circuit Judge William C. Snouffer, April 21, 1994.
53 Snouffer; Marion County Circuit Court clerk.
54 Ibid; Multnomah County Circuit Court clerk.
55 ORS 419.476.
56 Robert E. Shepherd Jr., "Juvenile Justice," Criminal Justice (Summer 1991), at 49; state Attorney General's opinion to Dave Frohnmayer, Nov. 9, 1977, at 1514.
57 State ex rel Oregonian Publishing Co. v. Deiz, 289 Or. 277 (1980); Globe Newspaper Co. v. Superior Court, 102 S.Ct. 2613 (1982); Shepherd at 49.
58 State ex rel Oregonian Publishing Co. v. Deiz, at 282-284.
59 Ibid.
60 ORS 419.498(1).
61 Attorney General's Manual at 63.
62 ORS 419.567(1).
63 ORS 419.567(2).
64 ORS 419.567(5).
65 Renee Cordes, "TV Cameras on Trial in Some Federal Courts," Trial (December 1991), at 17; Don Pember, "Mass Media Law" (1993), at 401.
66 Chandler v. Florida, 449 U.S. 560 (1980), at 565; Pember at 401.
67 Chandler v. Florida, at 570-574.
68 Chandler v. Florida, at 569-583.
69 Chandler v. Florida, at 569.
70 Telephone interview with Lane County Circuit Judge Jack L. Mattison, May 5, 1994.
71 Douglas County Circuit/District Court trial court rule 3.185: media coverage in the courtroom.
72 Oregon Uniform Trial Court Rule 3.180 (1993).
73 Or. UTCR 3.180(4).
74 Or. UTCR Rule 3.180(9).
75 Or. UTCR Rule 3.180(3)(a).
76 Or. UTCR Rule 3.180(5).
77 Or. UTCR Rule 3.180(6).
78 Or. UTCR Rule 3.180(7).
79 Or. UTCR Rule 3.180(8).
80 Deborah Pines, "U.S. Judges Vote to Extend Cameras Experiment," New York Law Journal, March 17, 1994.
81 U.S. Judicial Conference, In Re Judicial Conference Guidelines, 18 Media Law Reporter 1270 (1990).
82 Cordes, at 17.
83 Pines.
84 Cordes, at 18.