Critical Approaches to the First Amendment
The outline of Cris Demaske's lecture on Critical Approaches to the First Amendment
A. Critical Perspectives vs. Liberal Traditional
I. The general debate
II. What does "Critical Approaches" mean?
- Defining critical
- Difference between critical and liberal
- Not all critical approaches are created equal
III. Liberal Assumptions
IV. Critical Assumptions
B. Critical Legal Studies
- What is CLS?
- Sunstein on CLS
- Media ownership and access issues
D. Critical Race Theory
- What is CRT?
- The CRT perspective Delgado, Matsuda, and Lawrence
- Hate speech, campus codes, R.A.V. and other issues
E. Feminist Theory
- What is Feminism? Approaches to the 1st Amendment MacKinnon, Strossen and West
- Pornography, power and other speech issues
F. Wrap Up