J385: Communication Law Home Page

Audio Taping

165.540 Obtaining contents of communications

165.535 Definitions applicable to obtaining contents of communications. As used in ORS 41.910, 133.723, 133.724, 165.540 and 165.545:

(1) "Conversation" means the transmission between two or more persons of an oral communication which is not a telecommunication or a radio communication.

(2) "Person" means any person as defined in ORS 174.100 and includes public officials and law enforcement officers of the state, county, municipal corporation or any other political subdivision of the state.

(3) "Radio communication" means the transmission by radio or otherwireless methods of writing, signs, signals, pictures and sounds of all kinds, including all instrumentalities, facilities, equipment and services (including, among other things, the receipt, forwarding and delivering of communications) incidental to such transmission.

(4) "Telecommunication" means the transmission of writing, signs, signals, pictures and sounds of all kinds by aid of wire, cable or other similar connection between the points of origin and reception of such transmission, including all instrumentalities, facilities, equipment and services (including, among other things, the receipt, forwarding and delivering of communications) incidental to such transmission.

165.540 Obtaining contents of communications.

(1) Except as otherwise provided in ORS 133.724 or subsections (2) to (7) of this section, no person shall:

(a) Obtain or attempt to obtain the whole or any part of a telecommunication or a radio communication to which such person is not a participant, by means of any device, contrivance, machine or apparatus, whether electrical, mechanical, manual or otherwise, unless consent is given by at least one participant.

(b) Tamper with the wires, connections, boxes, fuses, circuits, lines or any other equipment or facilities of a telecommunication or radio communication company over which messages are transmitted, with the intent to obtain unlawfully the contents of a telecommunication or radio communication to which such person is not a participant.

(c) Obtain or attempt to obtain the whole or any part of a conversation by means of any device, contrivance, machine or apparatus, whether electrical, mechanical, manual or otherwise, if all participants in the conversation are not specifically informed that their conversation is being obtained.

(d) Obtain the whole or any part of a conversation, telecommunication or radio communication from any person, while knowing or having good reason to believe that such conversation, telecommunication or radio communication was initially obtained in a manner prohibited by this section.

(e) Use or attempt to use, or divulge to others any conversation, telecommunication or radio communication obtained by any means prohibited by this section.

(2)(a) The prohibitions in subsection (1)(a), (b) and (c) of this section shall not apply to officers, employees or agents of a telecommunication or radio communication company who perform the acts prohibited by subsection (1)(a), (b) and (c) of this section for the purpose of construction, maintenance or conducting of their telecommunication or radio communication service, facilities or equipment; nor shall such prohibitions apply to public officials in charge of and at jails, police premises, sheriffs' offices, Department of Corrections institutions and other penal or correctional institutions, except as to communications or conversations between an attorney and the client of the attorney.

(b) Officers, employees or agents of a telecommunication or radio communication company who obtain information under paragraph (a) of this subsection shall not use or attempt to use, or divulge to others such information except for the purpose of construction, maintenance, or conducting of their telecommunication or radio communication service, facilities or equipment.

(3) The prohibitions in subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c) of this section shall not apply to subscribers or members of their family who perform the acts prohibited in subsection (1) of this section in their homes.

(4) The prohibitions in subsection (1)(a) of this section do not apply to the receiving or obtaining of the contents of any radio or television broadcast transmitted for the use of the general public.

(5)(a) The prohibitions in subsection (1)(c) of this section do not apply:

(A) When a law enforcement officer obtains a conversation between the officer or someone under the officer's direct supervision pursuant to a court order under ORS 133.726, providing the person who obtains or records the conversation does not intentionally fail to record and preserve the conversation in its entirety.

(B) When a law enforcement officer obtains a conversation between the officer, or someone under the direct supervision of the officer, and a person who the officer has probable cause to believe has committed, is engaged in committing or is about to commit a crime punishable as a felony under ORS 475.992 or 475.995 or the circumstances at the time the conversation is obtained are of such exigency that it would be unreasonable to obtain the court order under ORS 133.726, providing the person who obtains or records the conversation does not intentionally fail to record and preserve the conversation in its entirety.

(b) Except to a superior officer or other official with whom the officer is cooperating in the enforcement of felony laws, or to a magistrate, or in a presentation to a federal or state grand jury, the conversation obtained under paragraph (a) of this subsection shall not, without a court order, be divulged to others before the preliminary hearing or trial in which the conversation is introduced as evidence against the suspected person.

(c) As used in this subsection, "law enforcement officer " means an officer employed by the United States, this state or a municipal government, or a political subdivision, agency, department or bureau of those governments, to enforce criminal laws. A law enforcement officer may obtain a conversation under paragraph (a) of this subsection only when acting within the scope of this employment and as a part of assigned duties.

(6) The provisions in subsection (1)(c) of this section do not apply to a person who records a conversation during a felony that endangers human life.

(7) The prohibition in subsection (1)(c) of this section shall not apply to persons who intercept or attempt to intercept with an unconcealed recording device the oral communications that are part of any of the following proceedings:

(a) Public or semipublic meetings such as hearings before governmental or quasi-governmental bodies, trials, press conferences, public speeches, rallys and sporting or other events;

(b) Regularly scheduled classes or similar educational activities in public or private institutions; or

(c) Private meetings or conferences if all others involved knew or reasonably should have known that the recording was being made.

(8) The prohibitions in subsection (1)(a), (c), (d) and (e) of this section do not apply to any:

(a) Radio communication which is transmitted by a station operating on an authorized frequency within the amateur or citizens bands; or

(b) Person who intercepts a radio communication which is transmitted by any governmental, law enforcement, civil defense or public safety communications system, including police and fire, readily accessible to the general public provided that the interception is not for purposes of illegal activity.

(9) Violation of subsection (1) of this section, subsection (2)(b) or subsection (5)(b) or (c) of this section is a Class A misdemeanor.


165.543 Interception of communications.

(1) Except as provided in ORS 133.724 or as provided in ORS 165.540 (2)(a), any person who willfully intercepts, attempts to intercept or procures any other person to intercept or attempt to intercept any wire or oral communication where such person is not a party to the communication and where none of the parties to the communication has given prior consent to the interception, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.

(2) As used in this section, the terms "intercept" and " wire or oral communication" have the meanings provided under ORS 133.721.
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School of Journalism and Communication