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"Through the means described in Paragraph 4, respondent has represented, expressly or by implication, that smoking Winston cigarettes, because they contain no additives, is less hazardous to a smoker's health than smoking otherwise comparable cigarettes that contain additives." |
The Federal Trade Commission, having reason to believe that R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, a corporation ("respondent"), has violated the provisions of the Federal Trade Commission Act, and it appearing to the Commission that this proceeding is in the public interest, alleges:
1. Respondent R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company is a New Jersey corporation with its principal office or place of business at 401 North Main Street, P.O.B. 2959 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27102.
2. Respondent has advertised, promoted, offered for sale, sold and distributed tobacco products, including Winston cigarettes.
3. The acts and practices of respondent alleged in this complaint have been in or affecting commerce, as "commerce" is defined in Section 4 of the Federal Trade Commission Act.
4. Respondent has disseminated or has caused to be disseminated advertisements for Winston cigarettes, including but not necessarily limited to the attached Exhibits A through F. These advertisements contain the following statements:
5. Through the means described in Paragraph 4, respondent has represented, expressly or by implication, that smoking Winston cigarettes, because they contain no additives, is less hazardous to a smoker's health than smoking otherwise comparable cigarettes that contain additives.
6. Through the means described in Paragraph 4, respondent has represented, expressly or by implication, that it possessed and relied upon a reasonable basis that substantiated the representation set forth in Paragraph 5, at the time the representation was made.
7. In truth and in fact, respondent did not possess and rely upon a reasonable basis that substantiated the representation set forth in Paragraph 5, at the time the representation was made. Among other reasons, the smoke from Winston cigarettes, like the smoke from all cigarettes, contains numerous carcinogens and toxins. Therefore, the representation set forth in Paragraph 6 was, and is, false or misleading.
8. The acts and practices of respondent as alleged in this complaint constitute unfair or deceptive acts or practices, in or affecting commerce in violation of Section 5(a) of the Federal Trade Commission Act.
THEREFORE, the Federal Trade Commission this day of , 1999 , has issued this complaint against respondent.
By the Commission.
Donald S. Clark
Dissenting Opinion