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Attorney General Reno's FOIA Memorandum |
Attorney General Reno's FOIA Memorandum
October 4, 1993
SUBJECT: The Freedom of Information Act
President Clinton has asked each Federal department and agency
to take steps to ensure it is in compliance with both the letter
and the spirit of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C.
§ 552. The Department of Justice is fully committed to this directive
and stands ready to assist all agencies as we implement this
new policy.
First and foremost, we must ensure that the principle of openness
in government is applied in each and every disclosure and nondisclosure
decision that is required under the Act. Therefore, I hereby rescind the Department of Justice's 1981
guidelines for the defense of agency action in Freedom of Information
Act litigation. The Department will no longer defend an agency's
withholding of information merely because there is a "substantial
legal basis" for doing so. Rather, in determining whether or not to defend a nondisclosure decision,
we will apply a presumption of disclosure.
To be sure, the Act accommodates, through its exemption structure,
the countervailing interests that can exist in both disclosure
and nondisclosure of government information. Yet while the Act's
exemptions are designed to guard against harm to governmental
and private interests, I firmly believe that these exemptions
are best applied with specific reference to such harm, and only
after consideration of the reasonably expected consequences of
disclosure in each particular case.
In short, it shall be the policy of the Department of Justice to defend
the assertion of a FOIA exemption only in those cases where the
agency reasonably foresees that disclosure would be harmful to
an interest protected by that exemption. Where an item of information might technically or arguably fall
within an exemption, it ought not to be withheld from a FOIA
requester unless it need be.
It is my belief that this change in policy serves the public
interest by achieving the Act's primary objective -- maximum
responsible disclosure of government information -- while preserving
essential confidentiality. Accordingly, I strongly encourage
your FOIA officers to make "discretionary disclosures" whenever
possible under the Act. Such disclosures are possible under a
number of FOIA exemptions, especially when only a governmental
interest would be affected. The exemptions and opportunities
for "discretionary disclosures" are discussed in the Discretionary
Disclosure and Waiver section of the "Justice Department Guide
to the Freedom of Information Act." As that discussion points
out, agencies can make discretionary FOIA disclosures as a matter
of good public policy without concern for future "waiver consequences"
for similar information. Such disclosures can also readily satisfy
an agency's "reasonable segregation" obligation under the Act
in connection with marginally exempt information, see 5 U.S.C.
§ 552(b), and can lessen an agency's administrative burden at
all levels of the administrative process and in litigation. I
note that this policy is not intended to create any substantive
or procedural rights enforceable at law.
In connection with the repeal of the 1981 guidelines, I am requesting
that the Assistant Attorneys General for the Department's Civil
and Tax Divisions, as well as the United States Attorneys, undertake
a review of the merits of all pending FOIA cases handled by them,
according to the standards set forth above. The Department's
litigating attorneys will strive to work closely with your general
counsels and their litigation staffs to implement this new policy
on a case-by-case basis. The Department's Office of Information
and Privacy can also be called upon for assistance in this process,
as well as for policy guidance to agency FOIA officers.
In addition, at the Department of Justice we are undertaking
a complete review and revision of our regulations implementing
the FOIA, all related regulations pertaining to the Privacy Act
of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, as well as the Department's disclosure
policies generally. We are also planning to conduct a Department-wide
"FOIA Form Review." Envisioned is a comprehensive review of all
standard FOIA forms and correspondence utilized by the Justice
Department's various components. These items will be reviewed
for their correctness, completeness, consistency, and particularly
for their use of clear language. As we conduct this review, we
will be especially mindful that FOIA requesters are users of
a government service, participants in an administrative process,
and constituents of our democratic society. I encourage you to
do likewise at your departments and agencies.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to raise with
you the longstanding problem of administrative backlogs under
the Freedom of Information Act. Many Federal departments and
agencies are often unable to meet the Act's ten-day time limit
for processing FOIA requests, and some agencies -- especially
those dealing with high-volume demands for particularly sensitive
records -- maintain large FOIA backlogs greatly exceeding the
mandated time period. The reasons for this may vary, but principally
it appears to be a problem of too few resources in the face of
too heavy a workload. This is a serious problem -- one of growing
concern and frustration to both FOIA requesters and Congress,
and to agency FOIA officers as well.
It is my hope that we can work constructively together, with
Congress and the FOIA-requester community, to reduce backlogs
during the coming year. To ensure that we have a clear and current
understanding of the situation, I am requesting that each of
you send to the Department's Office of Information and Privacy
a copy of your agency's Annual FOIA Report to Congress for 1992.
Please include with this report a letter describing the extent
of any present FOIA backlog, FOIA staffing difficulties and any
other observations in this regard that you believe would be helpful.
In closing, I want to reemphasize the importance of our cooperative
efforts in this area. The American public's understanding of
the workings of its government is a cornerstone of our democracy.
The Department of Justice stands prepared to assist all Federal
agencies as we make government throughout the executive branch
more open, more responsive, and more accountable.
The following is the full text of a memorandum recently sent
by Attorney General Janet Reno to the heads of all individual
components of the Department of Justice, as a follow-up to the
Attorney General's FOIA Memorandum, on the subject of FOIA backlog
reduction within the Department:
Last month, President Clinton and I issued new Freedom of Information
Act policy memoranda to the heads of all Federal departments
and agencies (copies attached), as part of our Openness In Government
initiative. Our policy calls for a strong presumption of disclosure
under the FOIA, with information withheld only where it need
be withheld in order to prevent foreseeable harm under an applicable
FOIA exemption. This applies to law enforcement agencies such
as the Department of Justice as well as to other Federal agencies.
We are strongly encouraging all Federal agencies to make discretionary
FOIA disclosures whenever this standard is not met, and we will
decide whether to defend FOIA cases in litigation according to
this higher standard as well. Additionally, we are committed
to reducing FOIA backlogs as quickly as possible.
These backlog-reduction efforts are now actively underway within
the Department, but they need your strong support as well. We
all should recognize that there is no single solution to this
longstanding problem. Obviously, the allocation of additional
resources to FOIA administration and the reallocation of existing
resources are among the choices to be considered. We also should
redouble our efforts to employ practices and procedures of FOIA
administration that make the most cost-effective use of all resources
Equally important, I believe, is the institutional attitude that
is brought to matters of day-to-day FOIA administration. To implement
the meaningful change in FOIA policy we announced last month,
we must depend not only on those directly involved in that activity
on a daily basis, but also the many Department employees on whom
FOIA officers depend for timely assistance. In many instances,
the Department's FOIA officers simply cannot function without
the cooperation of the custodians of requested records and other
interested program personnel within each component. They, too,
must make timely FOIA compliance a greater priority in the future.
So, I ask that you join me in promoting a new institutional attitude
toward FOIA administration, for purposes of backlog reduction
as well as toward greater information disclosure. Please transmit
these new FOIA policy memoranda as widely as necessary within
your individual components to ensure that this new spirit of
government openness and FOIA priority is communicated in all
aspects of FOIA administration throughout the Department. It
is my goal, and the President's as well, that this new spirit
reach all Federal agency employees who are in any way involved
in the administration of the Act. Attachments (2)
School of Journalism and Communication