Susan DuBay
Nussbaum et al. (1983) state that the Pacific Treefrog
is a small frog of 50 mm or less from snout to vent, usually with a black
stripe on each side of the head which passes across each eye and reaches
the forelimb. The basic body color can be bright green, brown, red
or gray. Green and brown are the most common colors on the coast.
Black spots are often present and vary in size and pattern among individuals.
Some have speculated that the Pacific Treefrog has
the ability to change color, for example, a green frog changing its ground
color to red. However, Brattstrom and Warren (1955) performed
experiments which suggested otherwise. They covered half of an aquarium
with brown paper and the other half with green paper. On the brown
side they added brown sticks and on the green side they added green grass.
Then they put brown and green Pacific Treefrogs into the tank. None
of the frogs changed color or moved to the part of the tank which matched
their skin color. Brattstrom and Warren then went to a reservoir
that on one side contained green alga and on the other side contained brown
boards and sticks. They observed that brown Pacific Treefrogs were
just as likely to be found on the green side as they were to be found on
the brown side of the reservoir. The same observation applied to
the green Pacific Treefrogs in the reservoir. Nussbaum et al. (1983)
states that the ground color of a Pacific Treefrog is under genetic control
and does not change.
Although Pacific Treefrogs can not change ground
color, Brattstrom and Warren (1955) note that if Pacific Treefrogs are
exposed to bright light and high temperatures, the frogs will become much
lighter and appear bright yellow. However, when heat and light are
returned to normal levels, each frog will return to its original color.
The lightening to bright yellow is caused by the contraction of melanophores
which are pigment cells that contain dark pigment. Contraction of
melanophores can also causes a spotted frog to lose its spots. Pacific
Treefrogs seem to have some ability to regulate melanophore contraction.
Brattstrom and Warren (1955) put spotted Pacific Treefrogs two aquariums;
one aquarium had a solid background while the other had a patterned background.
Frogs in the solid background lost their spots while frogs placed on the
patterned background retained their spots.
Allan (1973) suggests that male Pacific Treefrogs
have four different types of calls and that each call is used to produce
a different result. The four calls are referred to as diphasic, monophasic,
trill, and release call. The call most often heard by people is the
diphasic call which functions to attracts female frogs to male frogs.
The diphasic also attracts male frogs to other male frogs. If two
male frogs become engaged in amplexus, a male frog will begin the release
call. If a male frog senses another frog moving nearby, the male
will switch from diphasic to produce monophasic calls. The trill
is used by male frogs to keep other male frogs from approaching.
It is possible that having a variety of different calls allows the frogs
to save energy by allowing them to communicate through vocalization rather
than through direct physical contact. Additionally, it allows females
to find males in order to mate. The diphasic call of the Pacific
Treefrog is distinctive enough to allow females to distinguish males of
their species. Calling also provides a mechanism for males to space
themselves out from other males in the pond.
Brattstrom and Warren (1955) suggest that Pacific
Treefrog chorusing depends on temperature. They state that if it
is warmer than 10°C outside, frogs will be warm enough to leave
their terrestrial refuges and move to the pond. Frogs will enter
the water if it is warmer than 8°C. They thermoregulate by moving
in or out of the water. When their body temperature is between 10
and 20°C, they begin to call. However, Schaub and Larsen (1978)
show that air temperature and water temperature are not always reliable
indications of the body temperatures of amphibians. They observed
Pacific Treefrogs chorusing at water temperatures of 2°C and air temperatures
of .5°C.
Schaub and Larsen (1978) record that Pacific Treefrogs
vocalize minimally during the day. They begin to chorus as evening
approaches. After dark they chorus in full for a couple of hours,
after which, the chorusing gradually decreases. A couple of hours
after sunrise, they start to chorus again until approximately four hours
after sunrise. Brattstrom and Warren (1955) noticed that chorusing
will stop if frogs sense movement. The researchers stood close to
a reservoir containing frogs. When the researches moved their heads,
even a couple of inches, the chorusing halted abruptly. However,
the frogs did not discontinue vocalization when vibrations were created
by stomping or when the researchers made noise by yelling.
According to Brattstrom and Warren (1955), the time
at which Pacific Treefrogs begin breeding depends primarily upon water
temperature. Females will lay eggs in water that ranges between 12°C
and 15°C. If the temperature of the water changes after eggs
are deposited, the embryos can between 34°C and -7°C but only for
a maximum of two hours. Larvae can tolerate greater temperature
variations than embryos. Larvae that develop in warmer water will
grow more quickly than larvae in cool water.
Jameson (1956) reported that Pacific Treefrogs are
preyed upon by the red-sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus),
the Pacific garter snake (Thamnophis ordinoides), and the bullfrog (Rana
catesbeiana). The bullfrog is an introduced species and a voracious
predator. Jameson did not find Pacific Treefrogs in ponds containing
bullfrogs, although others have found Pacific Treefrogs and bullfrogs in
the same pond (Titus, pers. comm., pers. obs.). Pacific Treefrogs
and bullfrogs differ in the amount of time required to mature (Titus, pers.
comm.). Pacific Treefrogs only needs 2-3 months to complete
metamorphosis while bullfrogs needs 2-3 years to mature. Pacific
Treefrogs can use temporary water sources for breeding while bullfrogs
require permanent water.
To the casual observer the Pacific Treefrog may just be another
frog. However, it has a variety of characteristics which make it individual
from all other species. Further research might address whether there is
any significance to the gain and loss of spots in terms of communication.
Also, do frogs that have spots, and therefore the ability to lose and gain spots,
have any advantage over individuals that do not have any spots, perhaps in thermoregulation
and in escaping predation? It is an interesting organism, and its abundance
and wide range of habitat make it an excellent organism to study.
ALLAN, D. M. 1973. Some relationships of vocalization to behavior in the Pacific treefrog, Hyla regilla. Herpetologica 29:366-371.
BRATTSTROM, B. H., AND J.W. WARREN. 1955. Observations on the ecology and behavior of the Pacific treefrog, Hyla regilla. Copeia 3:181-191.
BRATTSTROM, B. H. 1963. A preliminary review of the thermal requirements of amphibians. Ecology 44:238-253.
FARRELL, M. P., AND J. A. MACmAHON. 1969. An ecological study of water economy in eight species of treefrogs (Hylidae). Herpetologica 25:279-294.
JAMESON, D. L. 1956. Growth, dispersal and survival of the Pacific treefrog. Copeia 1:25-29.
JAMESON, D. L., W. TAYLOR, AND J. MOUNTJOY. 1970. Metabolic and morphological adaptation to heterogenous environments by the Pacific tree toad, Hyla regilla. Evolution 24:75-89.
NUSSBAUM, R. A., E. D. BRODIE, AND R. M. STORM. 1983. Amphibians and Reptiles of Oregon. University of Idaho Press, Idaho.
SCHAUB, D. L., AND J. H. LARSEN. 1978. The reproductive ecology of the Pacific treefrog (Hyla regilla). Herpetologica 34:409-416.