23 MAY 2001
I. University Senate Budget Committee
White Paper: A Plan for Sustained Competitive Parity in Instructional Faculty
Progress towards 95%
parity goal with our comparators.
Faculty salary increases in Year 1 of the White Paper (2000-2001) averaged
6.7%, resulting in our total compensation increasing by a favorable 2.5% with
respect to our comparator institutions. Thus, good progress towards the 95%
parity goal was achieved.
Salary Compression. Although salaries and total compensation improved in
Year 1, the salary compression issue got slightly worse. The SBC agreed to make
rectification of the compression issue a high priority in future years.
Instructors. Accurate salary and compensation data for both tenure-related
and non-tenure-track instructors
are not currently available from our comparator institutions. The SBC will work
in 2001-2002 with the Ad hoc Senate Committee on Non-Tenure-Track Instructional
faculty to obtain meaningful data on this subject.
Basic Principles
of Compensation for Instructional Faculty at the University of Oregon. Substantial
progress was made in implementing the
seven Basic Principles.
White Paper
Implementation Guidelines For 2000. The
administration and academic units generally adhered to the Implementation
Guidelines, which were based on the values set forth in the Principles
Salary Improvements
in 2001-2002. Assuming the State’s budget does
not change appreciably from its current situation, the SBC and the
Administration are committed to an average salary improvement of at least 5%
for all instructional and administrative faculty starting on January 1,
is the first annual report on progress toward the goals of the salary
augmentation plan, developed by the University of Oregon Senate Budget
Committee in collaboration with the University Administration, and adopted by
the University Senate in March 2000. The plan consists of three documents: University
Senate Budget Committee White Paper: A Plan for Sustained Competitive Parity in
Instructional Faculty Compensation1, Basic Principles of Compensation for Instructional Faculty
at the University of Oregon2, and the White Paper Implementation
Guidelines For 20003.
I. University Senate Budget Committee White Paper: A Plan for Sustained Competitive Parity in Instructional Faculty Compensation 15 March 2000
The White Paper highlighted that in 1998-1999, University of Oregon average faculty compensation was at 82.1% of the mean of our group of peer comparators. The University adopted as a long-range goal to achieve sustained competitive parity by bringing average instructional faculty compensation (salary + benefits) to 95% of parity relative to our comparator institutions. This increase was to be over and above cost of living allowances. The funds supporting this increase were to be devoted to significantly improving the compensation of the vast majority of faculty, with an emphasis on rectifying the problem of salary compression.
To accomplish this goal, the aim has been for the University to increase average faculty compensation a minimum of 2.5% per year over and above the performance of our comparators until we achieve the 95% goal. We estimated in the White Paper that it would take 5-7 years to reach 95% parity. In the following sections, we assess progress toward reaching our goals, using data from U of O, the American Association of Universities (AAU), and 8 peer universities that share our educational mission and which have been adopted as our comparators by the Oregon University System: U. California at Santa Barbara, U. Colorado at Boulder, U. Indiana at Bloomington, U. Iowa, U. Michigan, U. North Carolina at Chapel Hill, U. Virginia, and U. Washington.
Progress toward parity. In the first year of the plan (2000-2001), average salaries of continuing faculty (i.e., excluding those who retired and those newly hired) increased 6.75 %. At the end of the first year of the plan (2000-2001), U of O total compensation (salary + benefits) was 87.5% of our comparators when a weighted average of assistant, associate, and full professors4 was compared with a similar average of our comparators. In 1999-2000, the total compensation figure was 85.0%, and in 1998-1999 it was 82.5%. Thus, we have made steady progress -- a cumulative gain on our comparators of 5.0% in two years -- in reaching the goal of 95% parity.
Salary compression. The definition of salary compression used by the SBC in the White Paper is the erosion of compensation as a factor distinguishing faculty ranks. Average salaries at U of O are less competitive than our comparators as people rise through the academic ranks. In 2000-2001, the gain on our comparators by rank was 1.6%, 2.9%, and 4.1% for full professors, associate professors, and assistant professors, respectively. The situation for instructors is considered separately below. Among the other ranks, it appears from these data that the problem of compression actually worsened in the last year, i.e., assistant professor salaries rose faster than that of associate and full professors. The two-year cumulative figures (4.1% for full, 5.2% for associate, and 6.6% assistant) still shows a worsening of the compression issue although the differences between ranks are not as great as the 2000-2001 figures. The Senate Budget Committee intends to analyze this further. In any case, over two years it appears that the compression problem has not improved and may be getting worse (e.g., full professors currently are at 83.5% of parity, associate professors at 88.9%, assistant professors at 93.7%, so as rank increases faculty have further to go to catch up). The reasons for this may have to do with market pressures in hiring and retaining top-quality assistant and associate professors. The Senate Budget Committee believes that the compression issue warrants better understanding and a focused effort at redress in future years of the plan.
(Tenure-Related And Non-Tenure-Track). Nearly
all academic institutions report salary
and total compensation figures for instructors but the definition of
instructor used to compute these figures varies enormously between
institutions. The University of
Oregon at present has 12 tenure-related and 282 non-tenure-track instructors
(includes instructors and senior instructors). The average salary increase of
full-time instructors in 2000-2001 was nearly 7.0%. Accurate salary and compensation data to address salary
comparisons for tenure-related and non-tenure-track instructors are currently
not available. The SBC will work in 2001-2002 with the Ad hoc Senate Committee
on Non-Tenure-Track Instructional faculty to obtain meaningful data on this
Basic Principles of Compensation for Instructional Faculty at the University of
The Senate and administration also endorsed two
additional documents: Basic Principles of Compensation for Instructional
Faculty at the University of Oregon (Basic Principles) and the White Paper
Implementation Guidelines For 2000 (Implementation Guidelines).
believe we have made progress in implementing the seven Basic Principles. First, we have met our target of
achieving a 2.5% increase in compensation over our comparator schools, as
discussed in the previous section. Second, the White Paper and Principles
documents set forth the goal that the vast majority of instructional faculty
should received salary increases. In 2000-2001, all but one tenured and
tenure-track faculty received salary increases. Third, as directed by the Principles document, each unit has
begun promulgated systematic principles and procedures and, to various degrees,
shared them with the faculty. The
Vice President for Academic Affairs provided evidence that the Deans had taken
this charge seriously. Fourth, salary adjustments did include a cost of living
component of 2.5%. Fifth, salary
increases did not come at the expense of the academic infrastructure (i.e., academic programs and units). Sixth, the 80% floor was successfully
implemented. Only seven
instructional faculty (out of a total of 611 tenured and tenure-track faculty)
fall below 80% of the average salary of their peers in their home unit at the
same rank and all seven have a clear justification for their salaries. Seventh, from our vantage point, the
administration has made a good faith collaborative effort to implement these
III. White Paper Implementation Guidelines For
believe that the administration and academic units generally adhered to the
Implementation Guidelines, which were based on the values set forth in the
Principles document. We believe
that these two documents have helped to better promote an understanding of the
budget process. At the same time,
the Senate Budget Committee will need to increase the visibility of the White
Paper, the Basic Principles and Implementation Guidelines. While we are satisfied that the
Administration and the Deans understand the vision outlined in the White Paper,
we are less sure that faculty members in general and other University of Oregon
community members are as aware as they need to be of these documents. The Senate Budget Committee is planning
to discuss the three documents with Deans, department heads, and the Senate to
better guarantee that the plan outlined in the White Paper is fully and
successfully implemented.
IV. Salary Improvement Plan for Year 2
2001-2002, the Senate Budget Committee and the Administration are committed to
achieve average salary increases for all instructional and administrative
faculty of at least 5.0% on January 1, 2002. With an average 5% increase in faculty salaries, we will
once again achieve progress toward our goal of 95% parity with the average
comparator level. The exact figure
of the salary increase remains somewhat uncertain as the University is awaiting
the final state budget for the next biennium. We plan to continue this progress in the second year of the
biennium. This, of course, will depend on the picture of the state budget,
tuition, and enrollment as it looks a year from now.
1. University Senate Budget Committee White Paper: A
Plan for Sustained Competitive Parity in Instructional Faculty Compensation,
2. Basic Principles of Compensation for Instructional
Faculty at the University of Oregon,
3. White Paper Implementation Guidelines For 2000,
4. Weighting of full, associate, and assistant professors is 35:30:30, respectively. This weighting was used to determine average salary and average total compensation figures for each of the 8 comparator institutions.