Absent: K. Aoki, B. Blonigen, C. Bybee, V. Cartwright, C. Ellis, L. Freinkel, R. Graff, M. Hallock, D. Herrick, R. Horner, P. Keyes, D. Leubke, W. A. Marcus, A. Morrogh, M. Myagkov, M. Partch, R. Ponto, M. Shirzadegan, J. Wasco, M. Wilson, R. Zimmerman
University Senate President Nathan Tublitz called the annual organizational
meeting of the University Senate to order at 3:07 p.m. in the Browsing
Room of the Knight Library.The meeting included newly elected senators
for academic year 2002-2003 and current senators with one year remaining
in their term.
Minutes from the regular Senate meeting on May 9, 2002 were unavailable
so approved was deferred until the October 9, 2002 senate meeting.
President Tublitz introduced and welcomed the newly elected senators
for the academic year 2002-2003. A full listing of the 2002-03 University
Senate can be viewed on the senate web page at http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~uosenate/senate.html
The secretary alerted new senators about the repository of senate information
found on the senate
web page and about useful links to other sites.She noted that the web
site contains all current documents relating to the senate as well as archives
back to 1996.Senators can review meeting dates, times, locations, agendas
and past minutes prior to each meeting.Senator webmaster Peter Gilkey is
responsible for upkeep on the web page and any questions regarding the
page should be referred to him.
With regard to meeting structure, the secretary explained upon arrival at each senate meeting senators are expected to sign in and pick up their respective nametags, which should be returned prior to leaving. Senators who are unable to attend should notify the Senate Secretary prior to the meeting via email or phone contact.The Senate has a closed email list-serve available for dialogue within the senate.Members of the university community who wish to address the senate via this medium may ask a senator to post a message on their behalf.
President Tublitz provided a post-presidential review of the 2001-2002 senate accomplishments.He commented on the positive communication among the senate, noting improvement could have been made. Half of the goals set by the Senate at the beginning of the year were met. The senate began work on communication, budgetary management, and inclusiveness.The senate added classified staff participation and began work on faculty equity issues.The senate has not yet met goals pertaining to increased fees and increased public involvement but is still working toward this goal. The University Senate is strong in terms of shared campus governance, but still has important issues to address.
President Tublitz reminded the senate to assess and grade their progress on a regular basis.He stressed building respectful community discussion and encouraged the senate to "lighten up".Regular consultation and community involvement are also issues he commented on.Outgoing President Tublitz ended his remarks by saying the University of Oregon is making positive gains, but can continue to better itself.He thanked the senate membership for the privilege and honor of serving during the 2001-2002 year.(See full text at http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~uosenate/dirsen012/TublitzEndYearTalk22May02.html.)
Motion to amend wording of committee membership for the non-tenure track Instructional faculty committee (see US01/02-8).Incoming President Greg McLauchlan moved to amended the membership of Motion US01/02-8 to "at least" 4 tenure track faculty members rather than the previous, "include" 4 tenure track faculty members.A further comment was made that a previous amendment voted on was not reflected in the current document ? to include both a graduate and undergraduate student on the committee..Senate Secretary Steigelman will correct the oversight. There was no discussion and the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.
Recommendations for appointed university committees.The Committee on Committees presented a list of recommended committee appointments beginning in academic year 2002-03.Committee membership is an ongoing process as senators leave for sabbaticals, or other reasons and new members must be added in their place. The newly created nontenure-track instructional faculty committee is not reflected on the current document but will be added to the presented list in the fall. The motion to approved the list was passed unanimously by voice vote, and will be forwarded to President Frohnmayer for appointment.(See http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~uosenate/dirsen023/com023.html.)
Election of new Committee on Committee members.The suggested members of the 2002-2003 Committee on Committees were provided to the Senate via handout.The list of members was presented passed by unanimous voice vote.
Election of Senate Vice President for 2002-03.Senator Lowell Bowditch was nominated for 2002-2003 Vice President of the University Senate.With no additional nominations from the floor, Senator Bowditch was elected unanimously.
Confirmation of incoming Senate President Greg McLauchlan.Senate President Tublitz passed the Senate Gavel,Roberts Rules of Order, 9th edition, and a UO relay track team baton embossed with both the new "O" and the UO Seal to incoming Senate President Greg McLauchlan. Senate President McLauchlan was confirmed 2002-2003 President by unanimous vote.
President McLauchlan introduced Paul Simon, who agreed to serve as Parliamentarian for 2002-2003, Peter Gilkey, as Senate Webmaster,and Gwen Steigelman, Senate Secretary to the new senate membership.
President McLauchlan began his remarks by outlining three areas of concern for next year's senate.He voiced his dedication to continuing the statutory functions of the senate for the University Community. This includes continuing to develop an open, rich campus environment as well as providing a voice for faculty and students.He indicated that the question and answer session for the University President and Provost will remain part of each senate meeting as well as the opportunity for faculty and students to address specific issues.President McLauchlan acknowledged the current issues the senate is working on as important issues to the campus community: the status of non-tenure track faculty, university housing, relationship between athletics and academics, efforts to improve diversity, and continued improvement of faculty salaries will remain at the forefront of the senate agenda.
Concluding, President McLaughlan acknowledged that next year will be a major fiscal challenge.He spoke regarding the special legislative session in June and stated a Senate Budget Committee meeting will be called to discuss this issue.He concluded by encouraging the senate membership to take an active part in the legislative and budgetary process.
Past President Nathan Tublitz provided a background on the creation of the Wayne Westling award.(See http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~uosenate/WestlingAward.html.)Community members wanting to highlight and support university service and leadership envisioned this award. An historical overview was given on the accomplishments and humanitarianism of Wayne Westling, supporting the decision to name the award in his behalf.
Senate President Greg McLaughlin presented a long and detailed list of first recipient Peter Gilkey's manifold accomplishments and contributions to the university.Mr. Gilkey, a past president of the senate who also serves currently as an Interinstitutional Faculty Senator as well as the University Senate Webmaster, was presented with an Atlas of Oregon, signed by colleagues, as well as an engraved crystal piece commemorating the Wayne T. Westling Award.
With no other business President Greg Mclauchlan adjourned the meeting
at 4:15 pm.A welcome reception for the 2002-2003 senate membership immediately
followed the meeting.
Gwen Steigelman Secretary email: gwens@oregon.uoregon.edu
Web page spun on 20 November 2002 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 Email:peter.gilkey.cc.67@aya.yale.edu of Deady Spider Enterprises |