The Campus Planning Committee shall advise the University President on long-range campus development with regard to the design of the campus, including buildings and landscaping, and to policy issues related to transportation. The committee shall ensure that all development is in compliance with the current Long Range Campus Development Plan. The Campus Planning Committee's duties shall include the following: (1) serving as the primary author of proposed amendments and periodic updates to the Long Range Campus Development Plan (LRCDP); (2) verifying the conclusions of the Biennial Implementation Plan as required by the LRCDP; (3) reviewing proposed development project designs for compliance with the LRCDP; (4) serving on architect selection committees for development projects; (5) serving on project user groups; and (6) reviewing policy issues related to transportation to determine their consistency with the university's transportation plan. The chairperson shall appoint subcommittees as needed with concurrence of committee members.
MEMBERSHIP: Membership of the Campus Planning Committee is not fixed. Typically it shall consist of 8-10 faculty (minimum 5 teaching faculty), 5 students, 1 classified staff member, plus the following ex-officio members: a representative of the College of Arts and Sciences, the Dean of Architecture and Allied Arts, a representative of Disability Services, the Director of Facilities Services or designee, the Director of University Planning, and each Vice President or designee.
The Campus Planning Committee shall report to the Administration. The Committee shall also provide reports to the University Senate. At a minimum these reports shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later than the University Senate meeting in October. The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary.
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