Organizational Meeting of the University Senate
Wednesday May 25, 2005
Browsing Room, Knight Library
3:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Call to Order
3:05 1. Approval of the minutes
from the May 11, 2005 meeting
3:10 2. Standing and Administrative Committee Reports
3:10 2.1 Report from the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee
3:25 2.2 Presentation of the Wayne
Westling Award for University Service and Leadership - awarded to Jim
Earl, English; remarks by Past-Senate President Nathan Tublitz
3:40 3. Recognition of contributions by Vice President for Administration
Dan Williams - remarks by Jim Earl, Past-Senate President
3:50 4. Introduction of Newly Elected Senators - W. Andrew Marcus, Senate
4:00 5. Orientation to Senate Operations - Gwen Steigelman, Secretary of
the Senate
4:10 6. Remarks from Outgoing Senate President
W. Andrew Marcus
4:20 7. Organizational Business
4:20 7.1 Nominations and election of Senate Vice President for 2005-2006
4:25 7.2 Confirmation of 2005-2006 University Senate President Peter
4:30 7.3 Remarks from Senate President Peter Keyes
4:40 8. Adjournment
A welcome and congratulatory reception follows immediately after the award
presentation in the Browsing Room of the Knight Library.