Motion US04/05-8 – Revisions to the Membership and Reporting Clauses of the Charge to the Campus Planning Committee

Sponsored by:   University Senate Executive Committee

Action Date:                April 13, 2005


Whereas transformations of the campus benefit from a fully inclusive process of consultation and consideration;


Therefore, be it resolved that the Campus Planning Committee charge be amended to include the following provisions:


            (1) As part of its reporting duties to the University Senate, the Campus Planning Committee will provide an oral report to the Senate in the autumn on progress on major projects over the previous year and a look forward to significant projects that are anticipated or under consideration.  Major projects are defined as those projects requiring authorization from the legislature via the Capital Construction Budget Request or the Emergency Board;


(2) A faculty member of the University Senate will be appointed by the Senate President to a two year term as a voting member to the Campus Planning Committee.  This member will inform the Senate of projects that do not meet the threshold of appearing on the Capital Construction Budget Request, but which might be of interest to the university community.


(3) The Senate will receive announcements regarding Campus Planning Committee meetings and public forums where major projects are being reviewed.


These provisions will be implemented by changing the membership and reporting clauses of the Charge to the Campus Planning Committee to read (additions in italics, no materials have been deleted);


Membership of the Campus Planning Committee is not fixed. Typically it shall consist of 8-10 faculty (minimum 5 teaching faculty), 5 students, 1 classified staff member selected from the university at large.  It will also include 1 faculty member who is appointed for a two year term by the Senate President and is in the University Senate at the time of appointment.  In addition, the committee will include the following ex-officio members: a representative of the College of Arts and Sciences; the Dean of Architecture and Allied Arts; a representative of Disability Services; the Director of Facilities Services or designee; the Director of University Planning; and each Vice President or designee. 


The Campus Planning Committee shall report to the Administration. The Committee shall also provide reports to the University Senate. At a minimum these reports shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later than the University Senate meeting in October. As part of its reporting duties to the University Senate, the Campus Planning Committee will provide an oral report to the Senate in the autumn on progress on major projects over the previous year and a look forward to significant projects that are anticipated or under consideration. Major projects are defined as those projects requiring authorization from the legislature via the Capital Construction Budget Request or the Emergency Board. The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary. In particular, the Senate will receive announcements regarding Campus Planning Committee meetings reviewing the design for major projects and public forums on major projects.



Background to the Motion


The Long Range Campus Development Plan is undergoing a comprehensive update in AY 2004-2005. The revisions include outlining the process for evaluating how major projects meet the policies of the Long Range Campus Development Plan. After funding for major projects has been approved, the CPC has typically a minimum of two opportunities for input to the plans, and hosts campus-wide open houses related to each project as well. However, there is no explicit mechanism for involving the Senate in review of specific projects, and even the stipulated end-of-year report from the CPC to the Senate may come too late for constructive response or input from the Senate. 


As the governing body of the campus, the University Senate can and should serve as the key sounding group for soliciting input and suggestions in the planning process. This motion formalizes a series of contacts between the Campus Planning Committee and the Senate, without creating additional layers of process. 1. It specifies that the Campus Planning Committee report to the Senate in fall term, and review significant projects of the previous and the new academic year. 2. It specifies that one of the faculty members of the Campus Planning Committee be a Senator, to serve as a conduit regarding projects of interest to the university community. 3. Finally, it provides for notification of the Senate by the Campus Planning Committee of meetings and public forums on major projects, to allow Senators to inform their constituents of these opportunities for input. The motion will help projects to be consistent with university goals, while also providing a centralized opportunity for campus-wide input that will help projects to move forward with broader public support.


Passed unanimously by voice vote by the UO Senate 13 April 2005.
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