The following statement was made by UO Senator Athanasios P. Papailiou in support of US06/07-15 at the Senate meeting 10 May 2007. They are posted with his permission:

"In examining the University of OregonŐs historical timeline one finds several important moments since the establishment of this institution - times of significant achievement and impact, ranging from the creation of various schools and academic departments to the most recent launch of Campaign Oregon. Today, before this body is an opportunity to create another segment on the University timeline through the support and passage of this resolution, US06/07-15. While this resolution in itself is just the beginning - the need for a search committee and award-giving infrastructure still exists - the passage of this resolution creates the necessary dialogue and commitment from this University to the students who were unable to complete their post- secondary education at this institution. For the individuals who were just a few classes - or even a handful of credits - shy of graduation, the passage of this resolution provides the overdue recognition from the University of Oregon to the individuals whose special circumstances merit a college degree. As a current undergraduate student, I am honored that this bill will give others who attended this University the opportunity to call U of O their true alma mater. It is my sincere hope that this resolution can have the unanimous support of this body."

Web page spun on 10 May 2007 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 of Deady Spider Enterprises