Average Salary Average Compensation
(dollars in thousands) (dollars in thousands)
1997-98 Full Associate Assistant Instructor Weighted w/o Instructors (35:30:30) Weighted (35:30:30:5)   Full Associate Assistant Instructor Weighted w/o Instructors (35:30:30) Weighted (35:30:30:5)
University of Michigan 91.9 65.9 53.0 42.3 71.4 70.0   111.1 82.2 67.2 54.6 88.1 86.4
UC Santa Barbara 86.2 56.2 47.2 * 64.4 *   109.6 72.3 60.8 * 82.4 *
University of Virginia 90.9 61.3 48.9 36.3 68.3 66.7   109.6 76.3 61.0 44.8 83.7 81.8
University of Iowa 80.7 55.9 48.4 38.9 62.7 *   99.2 70.4 61.4 49.8 78.2 *
U. North Carolina - Chapel Hill 86.0 61.8 49.2 39.0 66.7 65.4   101.6 74.0 59.2 47.5 79.5 77.9
Indiana University - Bloomington 77.4 54.2 43.6 * 59.4 *   96.3 68.7 54.8 * 74.5 *
University of Colorado - Boulder 75.9 55.1 46.0 36.7 59.9 58.7   92.6 68.2 56.8 45.6 73.6 72.2
University of Washington 73.0 52.9 47.6 31.9 58.6 57.3   89.5 65.7 58.2 40.6 72.1 70.5
Peer Average 82.8 57.9 48.0 37.5 63.9 62.6   101.2 72.2 59.9 47.2 79.0 77.4
Peer Average (weighted) 82.4 58.1 48.4 37.1 64.0 62.6   100.6 72.3 60.4 46.3 79.0 77.3
UO per Academe 64.3 49.3 42.3 32.0 52.6 51.6   80.0 61.3 53.0 43.2 65.6 64.5
UO Percentage of Peers 77.7% 85.1% 88.1% 85.3% 82.3% 82.4%   79.1% 84.9% 88.4% 91.6% 83.0% 83.2%
UO Percentage Prior Year 76.4% 81.4% 82.6% 76.9% 79.3% 79.2%   78.0% 84.6% 81.8% 83.1% 80.8% 80.9%
Difference 1.3% 3.8% 5.6% 8.4% 3.0% 3.2%   1.1% 0.3% 6.6% 8.5% 2.2% 2.4%
1. Salary. This figure represents the contracted salary excluding summer teaching, stipends, extra load, or other forms of remuneration.
2. Benefits. Compensation includes benefits made by the institution on behalf of the individual faculty member; the amount does not include the employee contribution. Major benefits include a) retirement, b) medical insurance, c) disability income protection, d) tuition for faculty dependents, e) dental insurance, f) social security, g) unemployment insurance, h) group life insurance, i) workers' compensation insurance, j) other benefits in-kind with cash alternatives.
3. Total Compensation. Total compensation includes salary plus institutional contribution to benefits.
Source: UO Office of Institutional Research.