University Scholarship Committee

Final Report to University Senate May 2007



Charge of General University Scholarship Committee:

The Committee on Scholarships shall be responsible to advise the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships on policy and procedures for the awarding of scholarships, and to participate in the review of applications and the selection of candidates for scholarships. The committee shall determine the criteria for the awarding of scholarships and shall review applicant files. The committee shall also determine successful applicants and level of aid.




Stephanie Bosnyk (Business), Li-Shan Chou (Human Physiology), Kassy Fisher (Graduate School), Jim Gilmour (Student Financial Aid & Scholarships), Rebekah Hanley (Law School), Michelle Holdway, Convener (Student Financial Aid & Scholarships), Linda Liu (Multicultural Academic Support), Gary Livesay (UO Foundation), Tiffany Lundy (PARS), Margaret Mahoney (Education), Scott Maier (Journalism), Athan Papailiou (student), Martha Pitts (Admissions and Enrollment Management), Alexander Polishchuk (Math), Donna Schimmer, Committee Assistant (Student Financial Aid & Scholarships), Carlyn Schreck , Chair (Development), Steve Vacchi (Music), Cari Vanderkar (International Programs), Glen Waddell (Economics).


2006-2007 Awards:


923 students were paid $1,927,085 from 67 separate funds for the 2006-2007 academic year. Annual scholarship awards ranged from $750 to $10,500. Awards were made from the following scholarship funds: Burr Abner, Robert Booth, J. H. Bosard, Bowerman, Roland Bradley, Bernice Brun, Edith Chambers, Class of 1935, Coca Cola, Cossman Memorial, Frances P. Courteau, Norton Cowden, Leon A Culbertson, Henry and Ethel Ditzel, Craig Eagleson, Enchanted Valley, Leslie Endicott, William Frager Memorial, Foundation SS, Mabel Klockers Garner, Charles Goettling, Edna Harris, Alison Hearn Memorial, Marion Hearn Memorial, Elma Hendricks, Hendricks-Goodrich, Harry and David Holmes, Lee and Olga Hoxworth, Louise Ingle, Richard W. Johnson, Robert C. Jones, Robert Knapp Memorial, Clarice Krieg, Helen Martin, Thomas Mattson, Eve McCool, Merit Tuition, Edwin A. Meserve, Miscellaneous UO SS, Grace Morris, Andrew Moursund, Clara Nasholm, Henry (Hank) Nilsen, Oregon Dads, Oregon Community Credit Union, Rockwell, Loretta S. Rossman, Mary E. Russell, Edward Farrell Rust, Dorothy Sherman, Julio Silva, Joseph K. Starr, William H. Stenhjem, Jr., Stetson, Ethel & Laverne Stone, William W. Stout, Henry Thorsett, C.P. Tillman, Weatherbee, Paul and Helen Weiser, Margaret Winbigler, Juan Young Trust, J & E Zimmerman, UO Presidential, and Presidential and Laurel Fee Remission.







The committee held three formal meetings throughout the academic year. Fall term the charge and calendar were presented to the committee members, the system of evaluation was discussed, members of admission and financial aid staff were authorized to serve as evaluators of freshmen applications, and Carlyn Schreck was elected as committee chair. During the winter term, file reader training was conducted and file distribution discussed. Each committee member was responsible to evaluate up to 150 applications. Applicant files were evaluated based on the following: 1) the student’s academic profile, including quality of coursework, grade point average, test scores and other academic achievements; 2) the faculty letter of recommendation; 3) the student’s level of commitment to extra-curricular activities; 4) quality of written essay. During spring term, the full committee met to select 2007-2008 Bowerman recipients, choosing outstanding senior students, providing awards ranging from $4750 to $5000 each.  Recommendations were made for the 2008-2009 school year scholarship application, evaluation, and process.



2007-2008 Applicants & Awards


Applications                Offers Made

Freshman                                 3148                              625

Sophomore                                307                             137                           

Junior/Senior                              394                             198                           

Grad/Law                                    108                               66               


TOTAL                                               3957                            1026   


26%, 1026 of the 3957 applicants were offered a scholarship.







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