This is an old version of Motion US08/09-2 that is preserved for historical interest only. It is not normative. See US089-2.html for the version of the motion that was passed by the UO Senate. This was the version presented to the UO Senate in November. It was subsequently amended. It is not normative.

Motion US08/09-2 - to seek ratification of a modified governance document

Motion US08-09-2 (revised 11-6-08; 12:00 p.m. PST) -- to seek ratification of a proposed governance document

Sponsored by: Frank Stahl, Emeritus Biology and Nathan Tublitz, Biology For Senate Action November 12, 2008

Moved that,

The University Senate call for a meeting of the teaching faculty of the University, to be convened and presided over by the University President, for the purpose of ratifying the amended governance document attached or linked, which acknowledges and restores responsibility for UO governance to the teaching Faculty (Professors and President) of the University. The meeting shall be held at 3:30 pm on a Wednesday, not later than the last Wednesday of January 2009.

Background and Purpose of the motion

Under the 1876 UO Charter, responsibility for University governance lies with the Faculty, which is the Professors and President. According to the recently issued State of Oregon Department of Justice opinion number OP-6735 (draft) and to past actions of the UO Assembly, "professors" means classroom teaching faculty. The DoJ opinion states that only the teaching faculty, acting in an official capacity, can approve the establishment of our University governance system, such as the current University Senate, that includes nonfaculty members. Thus, the existing University governance system has never been officially ratified. This Motion calls for a meeting of the teaching faculty to ratify the draft governance document (attached), which establishes the Senate in its present form and which also formalizes the legal responsibilities of the Faculty.

See Governance Document as of 31 October 2008.

Proposed Substitute Motion for US08-09-2 - to seek ratification of a revised internal governance document.

Sponsored by: Senate Executive Committee

For Senate Action November 12, 2008

Moved that,

The University Senate call for a meeting of the statutory faculty of the University, to be convened and presided over by the University President, for the purpose of ratifying a revised internal governance document. The meeting shall be held at 3:30 pm on Wednesday, not later than the last Wednesday of April 2009.

Background and Purpose of the motion

Under the 1876 UO Charter, responsibility for University governance lies with the statutory faculty, defined as the full-time teaching tenured and tenure-related faculty, career non-tenure track faculty, and the University President. According to the recently issued State of Oregon Department of Justice draft opinion number OP-6735 only the statutory faculty, acting in an official capacity, can approve and/or revise the internal governance system of the University. This Motion calls for a meeting of the statutory faculty to ratify a revised internal governance document so that it is in compliance with OP-6735.

Legislative History

  • See also the DOJ memo dated 7 November 2008 from Donald C Arnold (Chief Counsel General Counsel Division) to UO Senate President Paul van Donkelaar. The memo concerns the University Assembly (DOJ-OP-6735).
    Web page revised 12 November October 2008 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 of Deady Spider Enterprises