US09/10-14 - regarding the Pacifica Forum
Sponsored by: Bob
Bussel, Labor Education and Research Center
Margie Paris, School of Law
For Senate Action:
March 10, 2010
Motion: The University Senate
denounces in the strongest possible terms the hateful speech that is
frequently expressed at the Pacifica Forum and deplores the
pseudo-debates that Pacifica Forum portrays as serious intellectual
inquiry, and the University Senate will publicize this stand widely
throughout the University community.
Background: The University of
Oregon is a community of scholars and other stakeholders dedicated to
the highest standards of academic inquiry and to helping students learn
to question critically, think logically, and live ethically.
Additionally, the University of Oregon is committed to the principles
of freedom of speech, equality of opportunity, and freedom from unfair
discrimination, embraces the rich dimensions of diversity within our
community, and affirms the individual dignity and worth of every
person; and wishes to foster a welcoming and inspiring environment for
The Pacifica Forum, an outside group that meets on the UO campus, has
become a vehicle for the expression of views that are wholly
antithetical to the university’s commitments to critical inquiry,
equal treatment, diversity, individual worth, and fostering a welcoming
The Southern Policy Law Center, a respected advocate of tolerance,
equal treatment, and civil rights, has designated the Pacifica Forum as
a “hate group” that condones speech and expression which
denigrate members of our community on the basis of their race,
ethnicity, religious faith, and sexual orientation;
See letter from Margie Paris (Law) and Bob Bussel (Labor and Education Research Center) to UO Senators re resolution concerning Pacifica Forum
Fiscal Impact: There is no direct fiscal impact of this resolution
to the University of Oregon.
Legislative History:
Passed at the 10 March 2010 UO Senate meeting.
last updated on 15 March 2010 by ms at 1700