Numbered Motions and Resolutions of the UO Senate 2009-2010

  1. US09/10-1 create a Senate committee on faculty governance Motion tabled at the 14 October 2009 Senate Meeting.
  2. US09/10-2 voting privileges for UO Senate Vice President . Motion passed at the 14 October 2009 Senate Meeting.
  3. US09/10-3 Establishment of a committee to study Public Access. Passed at the 11 November 2009 UO Senate meeting.
  4. US09/10-4 Motion concerning eligibility for Senate Vice Presidency. Introduced by the Senate Rules Committee. Tabled at the 11 November 2009 UO Senate meeting.
  5. US09/10-5Motion concerning elections for Senate Vice Presidency. Introduced by the Senate Rules Committee. Amended and Passed by the 11 November 2009 UO Senate meeting.
  6. US09/10-6Motion concerning nominations for Senate Vice Presidency. Introduced by the Senate Rules Committee. Action postponed to and then passed at the 10 February 2010 UO Senate meeting.
  7. US09/10-7 Motion concerning increasing access to public records. Introduced by Bill Harbaugh for action at the 2 December UO Senate meeting.
  8. US09/10-8 Motion dealing with Promotion and Tenure. Withdrawn by the maker Frank Stahl.
  9. US09/10-9 Authorize the Senate President to Recommend faculty members for appointment by the UO President to a joint administration/faculty committee on accountability measures in a possible new governance structure/relation with the State of Oregon. Amended and passed at the 2 December 2009 UO Senate meeting.
  10. US09/10-10 Authorize the Senate President to appoint a Senate advisory group concerning the implementation of US08/09-8 A motion regarding transparency of university financial transactions. Passed at the 2 December 2009 UO Senate meeting.
  11. US09/10-11 Riverfront Research Park Resolution. Passed at the 13 January 2010 meeting of the UO Senate.
  12. US09/10-12A and -12B Motion relating to notification of the FPC of promotion/tenure decisions by the Provost. Motion 12A was amended and passed. Motion 12B was withdrawn. See Minutes of the 13 January meeting for further details.
  13. US09/10-13 Motion concerning senate procedure upon resignation of the Senate President. Passed at the 10 March 2010 meeting of the UO Senate.
  14. US09/10-14 Motion regarding the Pacifica Forum. Passed at the 10 March 2010 meeting of the UO Senate.
  15. US09/10-15 Motion relating to establishment of a UO Senate Ad Hoc committee to review existing language and policy regarding academic freedom on UO campus
  16. US09/10-16a Report of Conflict of Commitment Working Group
  17. US09/10-16b Motion to adopt Conflict of Commitment Policy. Postponed to Fall 2010.
  18. US09/10-17 Motion to Disband the Committee on Child Care and Family Support
  19. US09/10-18 Motion to adopt Freedom of Inquiry Policy
  20. US09/10-19 Motion to adopt Facilities Use Policy. Amended and passed at the 26 May 2010 UO Senate meeting.
  21. US09/10-20 Motion to adopt changes in the Student Conduct Code
  22. US09/10-21 Motion to improve transparency of UO Policies. Motion withdrawn 26 May 2010.

Numbered Motions and Resolutions of the UO Senate 2008-2009

  1. US08/09-1 provide a mechanism to fill vacancies on the UO Senate -- sponsored by P. Gilkey. Passed at the 8 Oct 2008 Senate meeting.
  2. US08/09-2 to call a meeting of the teaching faculty to ratify the University Senate. Sponsored by Frank Stahl, Emeritus Biology and by Nathan Tublitz, Biology. Amended and passed by the 12 November 2008 Senate Meeting. Subsequently amended again and passed as amended at the 3 December 2008 Senate meeting.
  3. US08/09-3 To establish an ad hoc Senate committee to contribute to the presidential search process. Sponsored by the Senate Executive Committee. Passed, as amended, at the 3 December 2008 Senate meeting.
  4. US08/09-4 Request for data collection on effects of moving athletic events. Passed at the 9 February 2009 Senate Meeting.
  5. US08/09-5 Revision to Conflict of Interest Policy. Passed at the 8 April 2009 meeting of the UO Senate.
  6. US08/09-6 Smoke free campus. Passed at the 8 April 2009 meeting of the UO Senate.
  7. US08/09-7 Support for HB 2939. Passed at the 13 May 2009 meeting of the UO Senate.
  8. US08/09-8 A motion regarding transparency of university financial transactions. Passed at the 13 May 2009 meeting of the UO Senate.
  9. A motion to appoint a committee to prepare a faculty governance document.
  10. The following are, obviously, not Senate motions. Still, as they relate to the Senate it surely can do no harm to record their existence here. On 6 May 2009 at a meeting of the Statuatory Assembly, two motions were passed:

Numbered Motions and Resolutions of the UO Senate 2007-2008

  1. US07/08-1  Endorsing Focus the Nation: Global Warming Solutions for America. Sponsored by Matthew Dennis. Passed by the 10 October 2007 UO Senate meeting.
  2. US07/08-2 To enable the University Senate to call a meeting of the University Assembly with full legislative authority. Passed by the January 2008 Senate Meeting. Repealed by US07/08-16 at the 13 February 2008 meeting of the UO Senate.
  3. Motion US07/08-3-- to abolish certain standing University Committees and to change the names of other standing University committees which report to the University Senate Sponsored by Peter Gilkey. Passed by the 28 November 2007 Senate Meeting.
  4. US07/08-4 TBA
  5. US07/08-5 Eligibility of career non-tenure track faculty to stand for election to the University Senate and/or University Committees Sponsored by Paul van Donkelaar. Passed by the 14 November 2007 Senate Meeting.
  6. US07/08-6 Regarding the reporting relationship of the Jordon Schnitzer Museum of Art. Sponsored by Sherwin Simmons. Passed by the 14 November 2007 Senate Meeting. See also Letter of 19 November 2007 from President Frohnmayer.
  7. Motion US 07/08-7 to revise the required questions on course evaluations forms. Sponsored by Bertram Malle. Passed at the March 12 2008 Senate Meeting. Amended by US07/08-19 -- see below.
  8. US07/08-8 Restoring employer contribution level for Oregon Retirement Plan (ORP) Tier 3 employees. Sponsored by David Levin. Passed by the 28 November 2007 Senate Meeting.
  9. US07/08-9 Extend full senate membership to representatives of classified Staff. Passed at the 13 February 2008 Senate meeting. See also US06/07-2 which was withdrawn.
  10. US07/08-10 A resolution to obtain clarification from the state Attorney General regarding required majority to pass a motion in the UO University Assembly, and how the UO University Assembly differs from other state governing bodies. Passed at the 13 February 2008 Senate meeting.
  11. US07/08-11 Endorsement by the UO Senate of the Report of the Subcommittee on Arena Financing which was presented to the UO Senate 9 January 2008. Presented by Senator Gilkey Passed by the 23 January 2008 Senate Meeting on the arena project.
  12. US07/08-12 Resolution concerning the Environmental Impact of the Arena Project. Presented by Senator Cherry. Passed at the 23 January 2008 Senate Meeting on the arena project.
  13. US07/08-13 Resolution concerning Parking Issues raised by the Arena Project. Resolution presented by Professor Keyes. Passed at the March 12 2008 Senate Meeting.
  14. US07/08-14 Resolution concerning Governance Issues raised by the Arena Project. Presented by Senator Tublitz. Defeated at the 23 January 2008 Senate Meeting on the arena project.
  15. US07/08-15 Resolution concerning Revenue Sharing by the Athletic department. Presented by Senator van Donkelaar. Passed at the 13 February 2008 Senate meeting.
  16. US07/08-16 Update the enabling legislation of the UO Senate that referes to Assembly meetings to bring it into compliance with current practices. Passed at the 13 February 2008 Senate meeting.
  17. US 07/08-17 Initiative to protect the rights of faculty authors of scholarly publications. Passed at the 13 February 2008 Senate meeting.
  18. US07/08-18 regarding the investigation of recent actions in the Office of International Affairs -- Senator Ron Davies, economics. The motion has been withdrawn.
  19. US07/08-19 Amend US07/08-7 regarding required course evaluations to include explanatory text on the uses of the evaluations. Passed at the 14 May 2008 UO Senate Meeting
  20. US07/08-20 To endorse and implement the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Scholarly Publishing. Passed at the 14 May 2008 UO Senate Meeting
  21. US07/08-21 Resolution to request the immediate release of $125 million appropriated by the legislature for state agency salary increases. Passed at the 14 May 2008 UO Senate Meeting
  22. US07/08-22 Technical changes to the enabling legislation to reflect recent changes in membership. Passed at the 14 May 2008 UO Senate Meeting

Numbered Motions and Resolutions of the UO Senate 2006-2007

  1. Motion US06/07-1  Revise wording of University of Oregon Diversity Plan (adopted May 14, 2006). Defeated at the October 2006 meeting of the UO Senate.
  2. Motion US06/07-2 Extend full senate membership to representatives of classified Staff (motion withdrawn) Nathan Tublitz. See the agenda for the November 8 2006 UO Senate meeting. Withdrawn at the 8 November 2006 Senate meeting pending further action -- See US07/08-9
  3. Motion US06/07-3 Amend US034/04-10 to organize voting faculty lists for University Assembly petitioners. Frank Stahl. See the agenda for the November 8 2006 UO Senate meeting. Passed unanimously at the 8 November 2006 Senate Meeting. Repealed by US07/08-16 at the 13 February 2008 meeting of the UO Senate.
  4. Motion US06/07-4 Opposing military action against Iran -- Ali Emami. See the agenda for the November 8 2006 UO Senate meeting. Motion not voted on - ruled not within the pervue of the Senate at the 8 November 2006 UO Senate meeting.
  5. Motion US06/07-5 Request Accessibility to Affirmative Action Plans and Summary Data: Notice of motion at the November 8 2006 Senate meeting. Withdrawn at the 29 November 2006 Senate Meeting
  6. Motion US06/07-6 Establish a Senate Committee on Academic Excellence. Notice of motion at the November 8 2006 Senate meeting. Passed at the 29 November 2006 Senate meeting.
  7. Motion US06/07-7 Motion to establish time periods for students to complete on-line course evaluations. Passed at the 10 January 2007 Senate meeting. Repealed at the 14 March 2007 UO Senate meeting.
  8. Motion US06/07-8 Motion to revise procedures for the selection and granting of honorary degrees. Passed at the 10 January 2007 Senate meeting.
  9. Motions US06/07-9 and US0607-10 do not exist. Space was provided in the numbering for motions that were not submitted.
  10. Motion US0607-11. to amend the enabling legislation of the UO Senate concerning eligibility to serve as Senate Vice President. Passed by the genda 11 April 2007 Senate meeting. See also Letter from the Department of Justice 8 March 2007 indicating the UO Senate has the "power to modify provisions of the enabling legislation".
  11. Motion US06/07-12 to amend US00/01-4 regarding academic calendar and athletic events scheduling conflicts. Passed at the 14 March 2007 UO Senate meeting.
  12. Resolution US06/07-13 Concurs with IFS request that the Provosts Council undertake a formal evaluation of the College NOW! program. Passed at the 14 March 2007 UO Senate meeting.
  13. Resolution US06/07-14 Scheduling restrictions for football games during weekdays and final exams period. Defeated at the 9 May 2007 meeting of the UO Senate.
  14. Motion US06/07-15 -- Methods and procedures for awarding degrees to persons who were ordered evacuated to internment camps in 1942. Passed unanimously at the 9 May 2007 meeting of the UO Senate.

Numbered Motions and Resolutions of the UO Senate 2005-2006

  1. Motion US05/06-1 Closing the university from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. to facilitate attendance at a University Assembly meeting when called by petition to convene with full legislative power. To be taken up at the November 30 Meeting of the UO Senate. Passed. Repealed by US07/08-16 at the 13 February 2008 meeting of the UO Senate.
  2. Motion US05/06-2. Requiring the University Senate to sponsor public hearings during at least one regular senate meeting on Department of Defense funded research on the UO campus. To be taken up at the November 30 Meeting of the UO Senate. Passed
  3. Motion US05/06-3 The University waive any fees associated with the Westmoreland Tenants Council records request dated November 16, 2005. Passed
  4. Motion US05/06-4 Concerning the proposed sale of the Westmoreland family housing complex. Passed on voice vote unanimously at the 11 January 2006 Senate Meeting.
  5. Motion US05/06-5 To amend University Senate By-Laws to give University of Oregon emeritus faculty members access to the senate floor and the right to introduce legislation. Passed (23-7) at the 12 April 2006 Senate Meeting. Charter By laws section 9.2.8 added.
  6. Motion US056-6 Concerning Lobbying the Department of Defense for UO Research Funding. Tabled at the 12 April 2006 Senate Meeting.
  7. Motion US056-7 To send the proposed University of Oregon Student Conduct Code back to the Conduct Code Committee. No action taken at the 12 April 2006 Senate Meeting.
  8. Motion US056-8 to amend the Faculty Advisory Council membership to include the University Senate vice-president . Amends US0001-6. Passed at the 12 April 2006 Senate Meeting.
  9. Motion US05/06-9 to adopt the revised Student Conduct Code. Passed 23-7 at the Senate meeting 10 May 2006.
  10. Motion US05/06-10 to adopt the Diversity plan. Passed 32-6 at the 24 May 2006 Senate meeting.
  11. Motion US0506-11 in opposition to the sale of Westmoreland. Passed 15-14 at the 24 May 2006 Senate meeting.

Numbered Motions and Resolutions of the UO Senate 2004-2005

  1. Motion US034/04-10  Enable the University Assembly to Convene with Full Legislative Authority. (At the May 2004 Meeting of the UO Senate, this was postponed until the October 2004 meeting of the UO Senate). Passed 10 November 2004.
  2. Motion US04/05-1 Incomplete Grade Completion Deadline for Undergraduate Students. Passed 10 November 2004.
  3. Motion US04/05-2 Communications between University Athletics and the University Senate. Passed 12 January 2005
  4. Motion US04/05-3 Revision of Intercollegiate Athletics Committee Charge and Responsibilities.  Passed 12 January 2005
  5. Motion US04/05-4 Oregon Transfer Module.  Passed 12 January 2005
  6. Motion US04/05-5 Deal swith the Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics Guidelines on Academic Integrity in Intercollegiate Athletics. Passed 9 March 2005.
  7. Motion US04/05-6 regarding modification of the Y grade. 11 May 2005.
  8. Motion US04/05-7 Administration Reports on Proposed Major Capital Construction Projects to the University Senate. Passed at the 13 April 2005 meeting of UO Senate.
  9. Motion US04/05-8 Revisions to the Membership and Reporting Clauses of the Charge to the Campus Planning Committee. Passed at the 13 April 2005 meeting of UO Senate.

Numbered Motions and Resolutions of the UO Senate 2003-2004

  1. Resolution US03/04-1 regarding the siting process for the University basketball and events arena -- Passed November Meeting UO Senate.
  2. Motion US03/04-2 regarding notification of senators of intended action on OARs -- Passed 8 October 2003.
  3. Motion US03/04-3 Endorsement of Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics (COIA) ``Framework for Comprehensive Athletic Reform'' statement. Pending at January meeting UO Senate. Passed at February meeting UO Senate.
  4. Motion US03/04-4 does not exist - we appologize for the notational confusion.
  5. Motion US03/04-5 Amend OAR 571-20 (Student Records Policy). Passed at February meeting UO Senate. See also Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Student Records and the original form of the motion.
  6. Petition US03/04-6 A PETITION TO THE OREGON CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION SEEKING RELIEF FROM UNJUSTIFIABLY INVASIVE PROVISIONS OF THE USA PATRIOT ACT AND OTHER ORDERS. Passed at the April 2004 meeting of the UO Senate. Promolgation approved by the UO President in May 2004.
  7. Motion US03/04-7  Allow students to fulfill a UO group requirement for the B.A. and B.S. degrees with coursework totaling 15 instead of 16 credits, given that their coursework fulfills the UO's  breadth and depth requirements within Groups. Passed April 2004 meeting of the UO Senate. (Previous version stured under US034/04-7OLD)
  8. Motion US03/04-8 The Undergraduate Council moves to amend the existing criteria for status as a Group-satisfying course by adding the following guidelines: #1-3 to apply to all Group-satisfying courses, and guideline #4 to apply to 300-level courses.  Passed at the May 12 2004 meeting of the UO Senate. See the minutes of that meeting for details concerning implementation.
  9. Motion US03/04-9 to recommend promulagation of a new UO Policy statement regarding the University’s Response to law enforcement suponeas of Student Records. Passed April 2004 meeting of the UO Senate.
  10. Motion US034/04-10  Enable the University Assembly to Convene with Full Legislative Authority. Postponed until the October 2004 meeting of the UO Senate. Repealed by US07/08-16 at the 13 February 2008 meeting of the UO Senate.
  11. Motion US034/04-11  Add Two (2) Classified Staff Representatives to the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee. Passed at the May 12 2004 meeting of the UO Senate. See the minutes of that meeting for details concerning implementation.
  12. Motion US034/04-12  Add One (1) Classified Staff Representative to the University Library Committee. Passed at the May 12 2004 meeting of the UO Senate. See the minutes of that meeting for details concerning implementation.

Numbered Motions & Resolutions UO Senate 2002-2003

  1. US0203-1 Resolution Supporting Peaceful Means of Resolving the Conflict With Iraq

  2. Action taken 4 Dec 2002 A hand vote was taken with 8 affirmative votes and 29 negative votes, indicating that the resolution does not fall within the purview of the senate.Ê Thus, the resolution failed to be considered by the senate.
  3. US0203-2 Amend student membership on the Library Committee to include one undergraduate and one graduate student. Passed 15 January 2003
  4. US0203-3 Call a meeting of the University Assembly. Passed 15 January 2003
  5. US0203-4 Request for a Summary Report of the University's Policies and Procedures in Response to the US Patriot Act, CAPPS II, and Other Similar Legislation. Amended to require "annual" report and passed by the UO Senate 14 May 2003

Numbered Motions & Resolutions UO Senate 2001-2002

  1. US0102-1 Amend OAR 571-021-0064 the Show- Cause Proceedings section of the Student Conduct. Passed by Senate 10 October 2001
  2. US0102-2 Support of members of OPEU Julia Novkov . Passed by Senate 10 October 2001
  3. US0102-3 Resolution dealing with the Chancellor Search. To be considered at the November meeting of the UO Senate. Passed by Senate 14 November 2001.
  4. US0102-4 Amend University Senate By-Laws Article VII, Section 1 to create process for filling vacancies on elected committees. Passed by Senate 14 November 2001.
  5. US0102-5 Participation of Classified Staff in the University Senate. Adopted by the UO Senate 10 April 2002. Repealed by US07/08-9 Which gave full voting membership to the Classified Staff - see 13 February 2008 Senate meeting.
  6. US0102-6 Scheduling of athletic events during dead week and exam week. Referred to the IAC and the presidents task force on athletics
  7. US0102-7 University Logo. Withdrawn from consideration.
  8. US0102-8 Create Standing Committee on Instructors. Passed at the 8 May 2002 Senate Meeting; subsequently amended at the 22 May 2002 Senate Meeting
  9. US0102-9 Resolution concerning Higher Ed Budget. Passed at the 8 May 2002 Senate Meeting.

Numbered Motions & Resolutions UO Senate 2000-2001

  1. US0001-1as first order of business for the 2000/2001 senate (originally US9900-18 Motion from Chris Loschiavo, J.D. Director of Student Judicial Affairs concerning the Student Conduct Code.) Passed October 11, 2000
  2. US0001-2 Motion to support creation of branch campus of UO in Bend. Passed 29 November 2001
  3. US0001-3 General Education Requirements Passed by Senate 11 April 2001
  4. US00/01-4 Academic calendar and athletic event scheduling conflicts Passed by Senate 11 April 2001. Subsequently revised by  US06/07-12
  5. US00/01-5 Resolution regarding rising costs of scholarly journals and authors' retention of copyright Passed by Senate 11 April 2001
  6. US00/01-6 Revised enabling legislation for UO Standing committees. Passed UO Senate 9 May 2001
  7. US00/01-7 Senate Joint Resolution on Athletics. Passed by the Senate 9 May 2001
  8. US00/01-8 Development of a Human Rights Curricular and Research Initiative. Passed by the Senate 9 May 2001

Numbered Motions & Resolutions UO Senate 1999-2000

  1. US9900-1 from the Undergraduate Council concerning Residency Requirements: Credits earned at the University of Oregon by a non-matriculated student count toward the residency requirements for a baccalaureate degree. Report of the Senate Rules Committee. Motion passed 13 October 1999
  2. US9900-2 from the Undergraduate Council amending legislation on group requirements Report of the Senate Rules Committee. Passed 13 October 1999
  3. US9900-3 proposing amendments to the preamble and jurisdiction of the Student Conduct Code has been withdrawn 1 Dec 1999 by Prof Lisa Freinkel email: freinkel@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU acting chair of the Student Conduct Committee. Report by the Senate Rules Committee.
  4. US9900-4 proposing Changes to the internship Add/Drop deadlines. Presented by Senator Jereme Grzybowski email: See the minutes of the Senate meetings 14 January 1998 and 14 April 1999 which concerned Drop/Add deadlines. See Financial Impact Statement. The 18 November 1999 minutes of the Undergraduate Council indicate they oppose this motion. Report of the Senate Rules Committee. Withdrawn by Senator Grzybowski at the January meeting of the Senate.
  5. USS9900-5 regarding Access to Legal Counsel. To be proposed by Senator Jane Gray LADYJANE@OREGON.UOREGON.EDUSenate President Gilkey appointed an ad hoc committee at the 1 December 1999 meeting of the UO Senate. Action postponed indefinitely owing to the untimely death of Senator Gray.
  6. US9900-6 from the Undergraduate council: University of Oregon courses which are to be group satisfying must carry at least 4 credit hours. Report of the Senate Rules Committee. Passed UO Senate 9 February 2000
  7. US9900-7 regarding distribution of salary increases. Report of the Senate Rules Committee. Discussion of the motion begun 12 January 2000. Action postponed until the March 29 2000 meeting of the Senate. Withdrawn by the makers of the motion at the 29 March meeting of the Senate.
  8. US9900-8 to revise Extension of Tenure Probationary Period Because of New Baby or Childbirth or Adoption. See Comparison of the two texts. Passed UO Senate 9 February 2000 See also archival copy
  9. US9900-9motion to recommend promulagation of a new UO Policy statement regarding Statement of University of Oregon Community Values. Passed at the the 12 April 2000 meeting of the UO Senate. Posted as See archival copy
  10. US9900-10 Motion regarding the Univ. Licencing Code of Conduct and the Workers Rights Consortium. Withdrawn by Senator Grzybowski.
  11. US9900-10A Resolution regarding the Univ. Licensing Code of Conduct - sponsored by Senator Clark. Passed 12 April 2000
  12. US9900-10B Resolution regarding which enforcement group to join - sponsored by Professor Kahle. Passed 12 April 2000
  13. US9900-11 Motion to update the award of the Distinguished Service Committee. Passed at the 10 May 2000Meeting.
  14. US9900-12 Resolution to approve the statement of principles from the Senate Budget Committee. Passed at the 29 March 2000 meeting of the UO Senate.
  15. US9900-13 Resolution to approve the final version of the Senate Budget Committee White Paper. Passed at the 29 March 2000 meeting of the UO Senate.
  16. US9900-14 Resolution to approve the document from the Senate Budget Committee regarding implementation.  Passed at the 29 March 2000 meeting of the UO Senate.
  17. US9900-15 Motion from the Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Committee Structures see also interim report. Passed at the 10 May 2000 meeting of the UO Senate. Deals with Committee Restructuring:
    1. US9900-15a Basic principles underlying University wide committees, advisory groups, and boards.
    2. US9900-15b Revised University Wide Committee Stucture
    3. US9900-15c Revisions to Senate Bylaws
  18. US9900-16 Resolution from  J. Grzybowski re GTTF & UO Labor Management relations - withdrawn by the maker
  19. US9900-17 Motion from N.C.Phillips re Undergraduates enrolling in Graduate Courses. Notice of motion given - withdrawn by the maker
  20. US9900-18 Motion from Chris Loschiavo, J.D. Director of Student Judicial Affairs concerning the Student Conduct Code. Renumbered US0001-1 as first order of business for the 2000/2001 senate.

Other motions and resolutions for 1999/2000

  1. Report of the Committee on Committees. Passed 1 Dec 1999
  2. Resolution concerning PEBB. Passed 1 December 1999.
  3. Report from the Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Committee Reporting Structures - Nathan Tublitz Chair Approved for further action 1 December 1999.
  4. Motion by the DSA to award an honorary doctorate. Taken up in executive session 1 January 2000.
  5. Motion from the DSA committee concerning recipients of the Distinguished Service Award. (The senate will meet in executive session).
  6. Conferral of degrees. Passed at the 10 May 2000 meeting of the UO Senate.
  7. Report of the CoC on Faculty Committees for 2000/2001. Passed at the 10 May 2000 meeting of the UO Senate.
  8. Preliminary report of the Committee on Courses (subsequently amended). Passed at the 10 May 2000 meeting of the UO Senate.
  9. Confirmation of new members of Committee on Committees. Passed at the 10 May 2000 meeting of the UO Senate. (Additional committee members will be confirmed at the 24 May 2000 meeting of the UO Senate.

Numbered Motions & Resolutions UO Senate 1998-1999

  1.  Resolution US98/99-1 Quarterly Electronic UO Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin

  2. Postings  Passed 11 Nov 98
  3. Motion US98/99-2 Procedures for nominating an OUS faculty member to the State Board of Higher Education Passed 11 Nov 98
  4. US98/99-3 -- Confirm Four Recommendations of the Riverfront Research Park. Passed 2 December 1998
  5. Resolution US98/99-4  Designation of the River View and Gateway sectors of university-owned lands. Passed 13 January 1999
  6. Motion US98/99-5 Post Tenure Review. Passed 12 May 1999 Posted as Policy Statement 3.150 See Archival copy
  7. Motion US98/99-6 -- Extend the Time Period for Dropping and Adding Classes. Defeated 14 April 1999
  8. Resolution US98/99- 7 -- Student Management of Incidental Fee System. Passed 10 March 1999

Numbered Motions & Resolutions UO Senate 1997-1998

Numbered Motions & Resolutions UO Senate 1996-1997

Classic Assembly and Senate Motions

  • See also Assembly Archives
  • March 10 1982 Assembly Meeting: Motion vconcerning timing of giving Final Exams (see also JPEG)
  • 11 January 1984 Establishment of a Committee on motions and resolutions - see also minutes of the 11 January 1984 meeting
  • 2 May 1984 Definition of Voting Faculty - see also minutes of the 2 May 1984 meeting
  • 7 June 1985 Powers of the old senate - see also minutes of the 7 June 1985 meeting
  • Student evaluations. The 1994/1995 FAC report brings up the topic. In 1995/1996, the FAC proposed a motion on student evaluations. A modified version of the motion was passed in May 1996. Motion US US97/98-10 amended  this motion in May 1998. This has effectively been replaced by US07/08-19
  • At the February 2000 meeting of the UO Senate it was reported the two additional questions had been implemented.
  • June 2 1999 Delegation of authority to Grant Degrees to the Senate - also see minutes of the 2 June 1999 meeting.

  • University of Oregon, Eugene Or 97403

    last update 11 June 2010 by ms