Admitted 8/11/05 to
Doernbecher Children's Hospital at the
Oregon Health Science University, Portland, OR
Discharged 8/12/05
Physician: Stacy Nicholson (Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology)
Reason for hospitalization: New brain umor in the brainstem
Principal final diagnosis: Diffuse intrinsic Pontine Glioma
All addidional diagnoses: 6-th cranial nerve palsy
Procedures: MR Spectroscopy (special MRI to look at tumor
4 y/o female admited for 4 days of 6th nerve palsy.
Outside MRI showed diffuse pontine tmor history
and physical oterwise unremakable.
MR spectroscopy requested by neurosurgery consistent with
diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma .
Diagnosis and prognosis discussed.