Math 282 SPRING 2005, List of lectures
On this page I will post content of all lectures with reference to the
book. All handouts also will be posted here.
Monday, March 28: Double integrals over rectangles. Section 16.1/15.1.
Tuesday, March 29: The midpoint rule; the average value; properties
of double integrals; iterated integrals, Fubini's theorem. Sections 16.1/15.1-
Wednesday, March 30: Examples of calculation double integrals via
iterated integrals. Section 16.2/15.2.
Friday, April 1: Review of one-dimensional integration. We will have
QUIZ on Monday!
Monday, April 4: Double integrals over general regions. Section 16.3/15.3.
We had quiz1 today; here are the
Tuesday, April 5: Examples of calculation of double integrals over
regions of type I and II. Section 16.3/15.3.
Wednesday, April 6: Change of order of integration; properties of
double integrals; double integrals in polar coordinates. Sections 16.3/15.3-
16.4/15.4. New homework!
Friday, April 8: Examples of calculation of double integrals in polar
coordinates. Section 16.4/15.4.
Monday, April 11: Applications of double integrals: total mass, total
charge, center of mass. Section 16.5/15.5.
Tuesday, April 12: Applications of double integrals: moments of inertia;
examples. Section 16.5/15.5.
Wednesday, April 13: Applications of double integrals: probability.
Section 16.5/15.5. New homework!
Friday, April 15: Surface area. Section 16.6/15.6.
We had quiz2 today; here are the
Monday, April 18: Triple integrals. Section 16.7/15.7. We will have QUIZ
on Friday!
Tuesday, April 19: Applications of triple integrals. Section 16.7/15.7.
Wednesday, April 20: Triple integrals in cylindrical and spherical
coordinates. Section 16.8/15.8. We will have MIDTERM next Wednesday, April 27!!!
New homework!
Friday, April 22: More on spherical coordinates; one-to-one
transformations. Sections 16.8/15.8-16.9/15.9.
We had quiz3 today; here are the
Monday, April 25: Change of variables. Section 16.9/15.9. We will have
MIDTERM this Wednesday, April 27!!
Tuesday, April 26: Review for midterm. Sections 16.1-16.8.
Wednesday, April 27: We had Midterm I today;
here are the solutions.
Friday, April 29: Change of variables for double integrals; Jacobian;
examples. Section 16.9/15.9.
Monday, May 2: Change of variables for triple integrals. Vector fields.
Section 16.9/15.9-17.1/16.1.
Tuesday, May 3: Line integrals. Section 17.2/16.2.
Wednesday, May 4: Line integrals. Section 17.2/16.2.
New homework!
Friday, May 6: Physical interpretation of line integrals.
Section 17.2/16.2.
Monday, May 9: The Fundamental Theorem for line integrals.
Section 17.3/16.3. We will have QUIZ on Wednesday!!
Tuesday, May 10: How to determine whether a vector field is conservative.
Section 17.3/16.3.
Wednesday, May 11: Green's Theorem for simple regions. Section 17.4/16.4.
We had quiz4 today; here are the
solutions. New homework!
Friday, May 13: More on Green's Theorem. Section 17.4/16.4.
Monday, May 16: Curl and Divergence. Section 17.5/16.5. We will have
MIDTERM next Monday, May 23!!! There will be review on Friday.
Tuesday, May 17: Parametrized surfaces. Section 17.6/16.6.
Wednesday, May 18: Surface area. Section 17.6/16.6.
New homework!
Friday, May 20: Review for Midterm. Sections 16.9/15.9-17.6/15.6.
We will have MIDTERM Monday, May 23!!! There will be NO CLASS on Tuesday,
May 24!
Monday, May 23: We had Midterm II today;
here are the solutions.
Wednesday, May 25: Surface integrals. Section 17.7/16.7.
Friday, May 27: More on surface integrals. Section 17.7/16.7.
Last homework (note that it is due on Friday!!).
We will have EVALUATIONS next Wednesday!
Tuesday, May 31: The Stokes's Theorem. Section 17.8/16.8.
Wednesday, June 1: The Divergence Theorem. Section 17.9/16.9.
Practice Exam is here! And the
answers are here. Please report
any mistakes/misprints in answers; if you are the first who reported
a mistake, you will get additional 2pts on the final!!