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Publications: Differences in Cognitive and Learning Styles and Aptitude

  1. J. L. Arnup, C. Murphy, J. Roodenburg, & L. A. McLean, Cognitive style and gender differences in children’s mathematics achievement, Educational Studies, 39 no. 3 (2013).
  2. S. Begely, Your child's brain, Newsweek no. 96/2/19 (1996), 55-62.
  3. Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger, and Tarule,Women's Ways of Knowing: the Development of Self, Voice, and Mind, Basic Books, Inc. (1986).
  4. G. W. Bracey, Sex and math, revisited, Phi Delta Kappan, 75 no. 5 (1994), 417-418.
  5. C. D. Ennis & J. C. Lazarus, Cognitive style and gender differences in children's motor task performance, Early Child Development and Care, 64 (1990), 3-46.
  6. D. C. Geary, A model for representing gender differences in the pattern of cognitive abilities. Am. Psychol. 44 (1989) 1155–1156 .
  7. A. J. Kersey, E. J. Braham, Kelsey D. Csumitta, Melissa E. Libertus & Jessica F. Cantlon, No Intrinsic Gender Differences in Children’s Earliest Numerical Abilities, npc Science of Learning, 06 July 2018.
  8. A. Kolodny, Colleges must recognize students’ cognitive styles and cultural background, The Chronicle of Higher Education 37 no. 21 (1991), A44.
  9. S. C. Levine, J. Huttenlocher, A. Taylor, & A. Langrock, Early sex differences in spatial skill. Dev. Psychol. 35 (1999) 940–949.
  10. M. Haghighi, M. Ghanavati, A. Rahimi, The Role of Gender Differences in the Cognitive Style of Impulsivity/Reflectivity and EFL Success, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 192, 467-474 (June 2015).
  11. B. A. Nosek et al, National differences in gender-science stereotypes predict national sex differences in science and math achievement, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106, 10593–10597 (2009).
  12. A. Pollina, Gender balance: lessons from girls in science and mathematics, Educational Leadership 53 no. 1 (1995), 30-33.
  13. S. Severiens & G. T. M. Ten Dam, Gender differences in learning styles: a narrative review and quantitative meta-analysis, Higher Education 27 487-501 (1994).
  14. E. S. Spelke, Sex differences in intrinsic aptitude for mathematics and science: A critical review, American Psychologist, 60 950-958.
  15. S. Turkle, Women and computer programming: a different approach, Technology Review 87 no. 8 (1984), 48-50.