Workshop on Enumerative Geometry and related topics
April 13-14, 2024, University of Oregon, Eugene
The workshop is partially supported by Simons Collaboration grant and University of Oregon math department.
Mini Courses
- Konstantin Aleshkin (Columbia University): Gauge Linear Sigma Models
- Catherine Cannizzo (UC Berkeley): Homological Mirror Symmetry
- Junwu Tu (ShanghaiTech University): Categorical Enumerative Invariants
Research talks
- Andrei Căldăraru (University of Wisconsin)
- Yunfan He (University of Wisconsin)
- Jae Hwang Lee (Colorado State University)
- Song Yu (Caltech)
Lecture room: Fenton Hall 117
- Address: Fenton Hall, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403
- Only the south entrance will be open during the workshop.
Tentative Schedule
Saturday morning
- 9am, Junwu Tu, Introduction to categorical enumerative invariants, part 1
- 10am, Catherine Cannizzo, Fukaya categories of Landau-Ginzburg Models
- 11am, Andrei Căldăraru, CEI in the singular case
Saturday afternoon
- 2:30pm, Yunfan He, Holomorphic anomaly equation for categorical enumerative invariants for elliptic curves
- 3:30pm, Jae Hwang Lee,
A Quantum H*(T)-module via Quasimap Invariants
- 4:30pm, Song Yu, Integrality structures in open and closed Gromov-Witten theory
Sunday morning
- 9am, Konstantin Aleshkin, General GLSM invariants, part 1
- 10am, Catherine Cannizzo, Homological Mirror Symmetry for Theta Divisors and Blowups
- 11am, Junwu Tu, Introduction to categorical enumerative invariants, part 2
- 12pm, Konstantin Aleshkin, General GLSM invariants, part 2
Local accommodation and transportation
- The most convenient airport to the workshop is Eugene Airport.
- Taxi from the airport to the hotel or workshop venue takes about 20-25 minutes.
- Yefeng Shen (yfshen at uoregon dot edu).
04/13/2024 00:34:25