Zhe Xu

I am a Ph.D. student at the University of Oregon. My advisor is Nick Addington. My research interest lies in algebraic geometry. Currently, I am thinking of the moduli of smooth quartic fourfolds and the integral Hodge conjecture on quartic fourfolds.

Previously, I was a member of the NTAG research group at Simon Fraser University, my advisor was Nils Bruin.

Here is my CV.

A photo of Zhe Xu


Klyachko's classification on toric vector bundles
University of Oregon, Student Geometry Seminar, Jan 22, 2025
On the local behaviour of symmetric differentials at the blow-up of du Val singularities
Simon Fraser University, NTAG Seminar, October 13, 2022
On the local behaviour of symmetric differentials at the blow-up of du Val singularities
Zoom, Escuela de Álgebra Amarun, October 4, 2022

Publications and Preprints

Nils Bruin, Nathan Ilten, Zhe Xu, ``Local Euler characteristics of An-singularities and their application to hyperbolicity,'' Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique, Volume 9 Article no. 2 (2025). ArXiv preprint arXiv:2312.01722.


University of Oregon

  • Instructor, MATH 111Z: Precalculus II (Winter 2025)
  • Teaching assistant, MATH 241: Calculus for Business and Social Science I (Fall 2024)
  • Instructor, MATH 251: Calculus I (Summer 2024)
  • Instructor, MATH 251: Calculus I (Spring 2024)
  • Instructor, MATH 111Z: Precalculus I (Winter 2024)
  • Teaching assistant, MATH 111Z: Precalculus I (Fall 2023)

Simon Fraser University

  • Teaching assistant, MATH 341 Algebra III: Groups (Spring 2023)
  • Teaching assistant, Applied Calculus Workshop (Spring 2023)
  • Teaching assistant, Algebra Workshop (Fall 2022)
  • Teaching assistant, Algebra Workshop (Spring 2022)