NAME _______________________________________________

Astronomy 121
Test 1
February 5, 2002

Multiple Choice Questions (60 points--2 points per question)

1. The daily paths of stars for an observer situated on the equator of the Earth are best described as _______ .

2. The Solar day differs from the sidereal day because _______ .

3. If an observer sees only half of the Celestial Sphere over the course of a year, at which of the following locations might they live?

4. If a total Lunar eclipse occurred 3 weeks ago, what is the approximate phase of the Moon today?

5. On the winter solstice, the Sun _______ .

6. The location of the North Celestial Pole is determined by _______ .

7. You are near the equator of the Earth. You go outside and a waxing gibbous Moon is rising. Roughly, what time is it?

8. The Greeks believed that the Earth was spherical in shape because _______ .

9. From his analysis of the data acquired by Tycho, Kepler concluded that _______ .

10. The morning and evening stars are not stars; they are _______ .

11. The true orbital period of the Earth is given by _______ .

12. The rising and setting of celestial objects over the course of a night is caused by _______ .

13. On what day does the Sun set for an observer at the South Pole of the Earth?

14. The fact that the Earth travels the fastest in its orbit in January when it is the closest to the Sun may be understood through an application of _______ .

15. Triton falls into the ________ group of planets.

16. A feature common to all of the Jovian planets is that _______ .

17. Which of the following facts must any theory for the formation of the Solar System explain?

18. Of the following planets, which planet's orbital characteristics differs the most from the other planets listed?

19. Of the following, which is a characteristic of the Terrestrial planets?

20. The chemical composition of the Moon is most similar _______ .

21. Compared to the Jovian planets, Terrestrial planets are, on average, _______ .

22. High tide occurred today at around 9 am. The phase of the Moon is roughly _______ .

23. The Synodic Month is _______ .

24. The altitude of the North Celestial Pole above the horizon for an observer in Eugene, OR _______ .

25. The density of a planet gives strong clues to the _______ .

26. The path of the Sun through the stars is known as the _______ .

27. Solar and Lunar eclipses occur _______ .

28. A circumpolar star is a star _______ .

29. The maximum altitude reached by the Sun for an observer in Santiago, Chile occurs on _______ .

30. Retrograde motion is _______ .

Short Answer Questions (40 points)

1. Use a diagram (and words) to explain why there are roughly two high tides per day on an ideal Earth.

2. Explain the origin of the annual seasonal variations on the Earth.

3. What are the dynamical regularities any theory for the origin of the Solar System must explain? What important clue to the origin of the Solar System is given by these dynamical regularities?

4. Heliocentric theories were first proposed in ancient times (by whom?). The Heliocentric theory was not universally embraced until the 1600s. Why? (What advancements led to its eventual acceptance?)



Multiple Choice


Short Answer