Test 1, 2013.05.01
Astronomy 123
Spring 2013

I will finish the review sheet after the conclusion of class on Monday.



1. Define cosmology. How has cosmology (as a science) evolved from the time of the Greeks to current times? 2. What makes a model scientific? Contrast science and philosophy. 3.Compare the terms (and use of the terms) Universe and universe. 4. List the basic observtions which led to the Big Bang Theory. Explain how each piece of data supports the Big Bang theory. 5. Briefly describe the Big Bang theory. Is the Big Bang theory on secure ground. What why or why not. 6. Describe Hubble's Law. How was Hubble's Law discovered? 7. Compare and contrast the Doppler shift and cosmological redshift. 8. Describe the naive interpretation of Hubble's Law. How does the Principle of Mediocrity influence our interpretation of Hubble's Law? Describe the currently accepted notion for Hubble's Law. 9. For Homework 1, your determination of the distances to the given galaxies relied on the assumption that our Universe is flat among other assumptions. How would your results change if the Universe is open (saddle-shaped)? 10. Describe the horizon problem. Describe why the CMBR's properties lead to the horizon problem. 11. Describe the makeup of the Universe. Be sure to consider both matter and dark energy. 12. Describe the principle of mediocrity. Give and describe examples of how the principle of mediocrity seemed to be violated at different times during history. Be sure to mention how different experimental results (that pertain to the principle of mediocrity) were misinterpreted in the past. 13. Describe the cosmological principle. Describe the meanings of homogeneity and isotropy. Give simple examples that illustrate each concept. 14. The Universe is clearly not bland and uniform, in what sense is the cosmological principle valid? 15. Describe the Perfect Cosmological Principle. Is it currently considered by astronomers when they model the Universe? It is not, what are some reasons why the Perfect Cosmological Principle is not in favor? 16. What is the Cosmological Constant? It was first proposed by Einstein, why? Why did Einstein withdraw his suggestion? Has this idea returned to favor today? 17. Describe the Anthropic Principle. Does Jim like the Anthropic Principle? Why does Jim like (or dislike) the Anthropic Principle? 18. Briefly describe the Big Bang Theory. Upon what observations is the Big Bang Theory based? Is the Big Bang on a firm observational footing? 19. Describe Olbers's Paradox and the resolution of the paradox. That is, what are the assumptions which underlie Olbers's Paradox and must they be modified to resolve the paradox? How can the Big Bang resolve Olbers' Paradox?

  • Describe the Friedman models for the Universe. What assumption did Friedman make when finding his models for the Universe? Was this assumption valid?
  • What is meant by spacetime? In terms of spacetime, describe each of Friedman's models for the Universe.
  • In which type of Friedman universe are we thought to live? Which universe is a closed universe (and what does this mean)? Which universe is an open universe (and what does this mean)?
  • How can we distinguish open, closed, and flat universes? Describe the tests and the results of the tests described in class. Describe the behavior of parallel lines, triangles in the different Friedman models.
  • Interpret and explain the Hubble Law in the context of an expanding Universe. What is meant by cosmological redshift? Describe cosmological redshift. How does the cosmological redshift fit in with the Hubble Law? What is meant by scale factor [R(t)]? How does the scale factor behave for each type of Friedman universe?
  • Describe Hubble's law and how it changes for distant galaxies. Explain how Hubble's law as determined by distant galaxies can show us ultimate evolution of the Universe.
  • What is the Cosmological Constant? What is the Horizon Problem? What is the Flatness Problem?
  • How can we distinguish open, closed, and flat universes? Describe the tests and the results of the tests described in class. Describe the behavior of parallel lines, triangles in the different Friedman models.
  • Interpret and explain the Hubble Law in the context of an expanding Universe. Describe cosmological redshift. How does the cosmological redshift fit in with the Hubble Law?
  • What is the Horizon Problem? What is the Flatness Problem? What is the Matter/Anti-Matter Asymmetry Problem? How does inflation address each of these problems?
  • Carefully describe Inflation and describe the mysteries of the Universe that Inflation solves and explain how Inflation solves the problems.
  • What are the four known forces of the current Universe? Have there always been only four distinct forces (four distinct ways in which things interact) in the Universe? If not, how has the situation evolved?
  • What forces play dominant roles in the evolution of the Universe? How does the changing number of forces as the Universe evolves lead to inflation?

    History of the Universe

    Weighing the Universe and Determining the Expansion Rate for the Universe