ASTR 321
Test 2

Stellar Properties:

Stellar Properties

  • What are different ways stars can generate energy? What is the most efficient way stars generate energy? What mechanism is used by Main Sequence stars to generate energy?
  • Nuclear Energy Generation--the conversion of 4 hydrogen nuclei into a helium nucleus + energy + other particles. What conservation laws are important for consideration of nuclear fusion? What are leptons? What are bosons? What are quarks? What are neutrinos? Why is nuclear fusion so difficult (that is, what is the major impediment to fusion)? Using the electrostatic potential, thermal energy, strong force, and the Boltzmann distribution to explain why, classically, nucelar fusion is difficult.
  • What is the proton-proton cycle (pp-cycle)? What is the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen tricycle (CNO cycle)?
  • What are the energy transport mechanisms used by stars? Which ones are the most important for the Sun?
  • What important role outside of energy transport does convection play in the observable properties of the Sun?
  • Main Seqeunce stars are in equilibrium; both mechanical equilibrium (hydrostatic equilibrium -- stars are not changing in size very quickly) and thermal equilibrium (the temperature structures of stars are not changing very quickly -- the energy losses due to radiation and particles from stars are roughly balanced by the energy production due to nuclear fusion reactions). Show that, in the absence of pressure effects, a star like the Sun would collapse (due to gravity) in less than 1 hour. Contrast this time for low mass and high mass stars. Use dimensional arguments to justify your answer.
  • Use dimensional arguments to show how the temperature of star dominated by radiation pressure scales with the mass and radius of a star. Use dimensional arguments to show how the density of a star varies with mass. Use dimensional arguments to show how the radius of a star varies with mass. Use dimensional arguments to show the rough mass where radiation pressure and gas pressure play similar roles in the structure of a star Use dimensional arguments to show how the luminosity of a Main Sequence star depends on mass for a star dominated by electron scattering, or by bound-free or free-free transitions. Use dimensional arguments to find the timescale on which stars collapse.

  • On an HR diagram, sketch evolutionary tracks followed by the Sun, a 5 Solar mass star, and a massive star. Indicate the stages of evolution, the energy sources for each phase, the dominant energy transport mechanism, and whether the core is degenerate or nondegenerate.
  • What are the Hayashi and Henyey tracks? What is the Jeans mass? Use the Virial Theorem to make a rough estimate of the Jeans mass. Explain how the notion of the Jeans mass can be used to understand fragmentation of a collapsing Interstellar Medium Cloud. What are protostars, T Tauri stars? How are they powered?
  • State the Russell-Vogt Theorem. What are the assumptions that underlie the Russell-Vogt Theorem? Describe counter-examples to the Russell-Vogt Theorem.
  • The orbit of the Earth is increasing slowly in size by 15 cm per year. If the increase in orbital size arises from a change in the mass of the Sun, find the rate at which the Solar mass must be changing. Compare this rate to the rate of mass loss produced by nuclear fusion. Compare this rate to the rate of mass loss carried off by the Solar Wind. How does the Solar Wind compare to the winds from massive stars?
  • Thermal Pulses occur at which phase of the Sun's evolution? Why does the nuclear generation output of the Sun "pulse"? How does the pulsing combined with the properties of the envelope of the Sun combine to produce a planetary nebula? Describe instabilities which can lead to thermal pulsing.
  • Use dimensional arguments to find the density above which the electrons in a pure hydrogen plasma at temperature T become degnerate. The Helium Flash occurs when the mass density is 100,000 gm per cubic centimeter and the temperature is aroudn 200,000,000 K. At what temperature is degeeneracy lifted in the core of the Sun during the flash? Compare the energy generation rate at the end of the flash to the beginning of the flash. What is the Carbon flash? In which kinds of stars do we expect a Carbon flash?
  • Solve the stellar structure equations to find the pressure structure for a star whose density distribution falls off as the inverse of the radius, that is, as 1/r. If the pressure in the star is given by the perfect gas law, find the temperature structure of the star. Find the radius within which 50 % of the star's luminosity is generated for the proton-proton chain.
  • In a Type Ia SN, carbon ignites when the density is around 1,000,000,000 gm per cubic centimeter. For a 1.2 Solar mass white dwarf, this corresponds to a radius of what size for the white dwarf? Show that the burning of carbon can disrupt the white dwarf. Suppose the white dwarf is composed of equal parts Mg and Ne. These elements ignite at a density of 3,000,000,000 gm per cubic centimeter. Show that a Ne-Mg white dewarf will not produce a Type Ia SN. Both reactions yield about 0.001 mc2, where m is the mass involved in the reactions.
  • Use dimensional arguments to show how the radius of a white dwarf scales with its mass. Consider both nonrelativistic and relativistic white dwarfs. Argue why there is an upper mass limit for white dwarf stars. What is the name of this limit? Using dimensional arguments, find and evaluate this limit in c.g.s..
  • Describe in words, the different stages of white dwarf cooling. Using dimensional arguments find an expression for the white dwarf cooling time. Roughly how long does it take a white dwarf to cool to 0.0001 of its initial luminosity, according to your expression.
  • At the current time, the Sun generates energy through the proton-proton chain. The proton-proton chain is around 0.7 % efficient. If nuclear reactions in the core of the Sun were to shut-down today, estimate the time it would take for us to observe the event. Use a random walk argument.
  • Define the term nuclesosynthesis. Compare the r-process and the s-process. The s-process is known to occur in AGB stars. What is the evidence which supports this?
  • Stars are categorized as low or high mass stars based on what criterion? Whydoes the Sun's nuclear processing in its core stop after helium burning?
  • Sketch a typical Type Ia SN light curve. Describe the energy source for each phase of the evolution of the light curve. Note The half-life for the decays are 6.08 d and 77.1 d, respectively.
  • SN 1987a is, arguably, the single most important observational result in stellar evolution over the last 50 years. Argue why this is so and cite results which support your answer.
  • Calculate the energy released during the SN 1987a outburst. How long did the different parts of the outburst last? What were the significant parts of SN 1987a's energy budget? Support your answer with rough, but appropriate, observational results.
  • Estimate the energy liberated in the following stellar events: