Chaotic Cavity News
Whispering gallery at the gallery
Wave patterns in classically chaotic cavities are often visually striking. A plot of ours, showing a folded chaotic whispering-gallery mode, was chosen as one of the winners in the 2020 ArtSci Oregon competition. All entries can be found at the 2020 Research as Art Exhibition web site.
Folding the whispering gallery
Beyond the Beam
A review of "Multidimensional Lasers" by Z. Horváth in Optics & Photonics News (July 2012) puts our work on chaotic microdisk lasers in the context of a history that's almost as old as laser physics itself but has only recently become a field in its own right: the study of beam shapes that deviate significantly from the pencil-like straight line geometry of conventional lasers.
Asymmetric resonant cavities in textbooks
References to our work appear in some standard texts on quantum chaos and semiclassical physics:
"Quantum Chaos — An Introduction" by H.-J. Stöckmann (Cambridge University Press 1999), and "Quantum Signatures of Chaos" by F. Haake (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013).
The bowtie laser as a book
coverOne of my microlaser simulations
decorates the cover of this book by
Alisa Bokulich, titled "Reexamining the
Quantum-Classical Relation" (November 2008).
Another book appearance of our
images is the volume Microcavities
by A Kavokin, J.J. Baumberg, G. Malpuech
and F.P. Laussy, Oxford University Press,
(February 25, 2008)
Physical Review Focus (3 September
2004) points to the
whispering-gallery microlaser information
collected on this website. |
For the
EXPO 2000 World Fair in Germany, I created a
presentation that has been made part of a
permanent exhibition maintained by the
Max-Planck Society:
The Science
(the exhibit is no longer online). |
My thesis work helped Yale University
recruit graduate students:
Our 1997 "Nature" cover headed this Yale web
page (no longer online). |

One of the projects I started as a postdoc made
it to the cover of the annual report of the MPI
for Physics of Complex Systems, and also into
the "Optics in 2000" section of OPN, see
below. |
Lucent Technologies' Bell Laboratories (now defunct)
featured one of my plots on their "Physical Sciences" web
page :
What is an Asymmetric Resonant Cavity
anyway ?
ARCs are
convex resonators whose fractional deformation
is so large that the wave equation cannot be
solved satisfactorily by perturbation
techniques. Shown here as an example is a
dielectric cylinder with an oval cross section.
Such resonators can be used in lasers or other
devices that rely on the existence of
long-lived states. The calculated intensity
distribution of such a resonator mode is shown
here as a false-color image (top of the
picture). The key to understanding the
intrinsic emission properties of these modes
(e.g. their directional emission) is a
one-to-one correspondence between waves and
rays (red arrow, bottom). The wave field is
affected by chaos in the ray dynamics. |
Emission from the points of highest
curvature is intuitively expected, and the
tangential orientation follows from Snell's
law of refraction.
Due to phase space structure, the light
here originates slightly away from the
high- curvature points, but still
tangential to the surface.
This page © Copyright Jens Uwe Nöckel,
Last modified: Fri Dec 18 09:56:34 PST 2020