AERE-Sponsored Sessions at the 2012 WEAI Annual Meetings
NOTE: Best viewed in Google Chrome or Firefox
- DATES: AERE will sponsor ten sessions over a two-day period within the upcoming 2012 WEAI Meetings in San Francisco, California.
- SCHEDULING: These AERE-sponsored sessions will take place on Saturday, June 30 and Sunday, July 1, with two sessions running concurrently in most time-slots. The details of each session can be accessed via the links on the right-hand side of this page.
- SELECTION COMMITTEE: This year's ad hoc WEAI/AERE program committee consisted of Trudy Ann Cameron (University of Oregon, chair), assisted by Meredith Fowlie (University of California, Berkeley) and Grant Jacobsen (University of Oregon). Meredith and Grant gave each abstract a further careful reading, helped identify cohesive sessions, and provided very timely turnaround. We are very grateful for their contributions. In a few cases this year, we invited "do-overs" when an abstract was not sufficiently clear or complete, yet we felt that it could be better. Although this is not the norm for conferences, we seek to encourage new talent in our field.
- PROGRAM DETAILS: Please bring errors and omissions in the current version of the program to the attention of Trudy Cameron ( (Note that these pages are best viewed in Firefox or Google Chrome. Internet Explorer seems to cause some wrapping problems and to have some difficulty with numbered lists, although the rest of the content remains sound. These pages have not been tested in other browsers.)
- AERE RECEPTION: Please plan to attend the AERE Reception, which is being set up to follow our afternoon session on our first day. There will be some light snacks to hold you over until dinner, and a cash bar. We hope that you will find the company and collegiality worth the price of the drinks! As with the AERE reception at the AAEA meetings, events such as these give AERE participants a chance to make new acquaintances and catch up with old friends. This reception will be sponsored in part by the Raymond F. Mikesell Foundation at the University of Oregon.
- MEMBERSHIP AND REGISTRATION: You must be a current 2012 AERE member to appear on the program for an AERE-sponsored session at the WEAI meetings. You need not join WEAI to be able to participate in a WEAI/AERE session. However, as an AERE member, you are eligible for WEAI-member registration discounts at the conference. If your university is an institutional member of the WEAI, you may be entitled to an additional 20% discount. Please register early. Housing information is also available via the WEAI site. You must make hotel reservations directly with the conference hotel by the deadline or you risk paying a higher rate and/or not being accommodated at the conference hotel.
- EXPECTATIONS FOR PRESENTERS: This time, we will not have formal discussants. If you have a working draft of your paper that you are willing to share, you are strongly encouraged to submit it to Trudy Cameron for uploading to the AERE web pages for the conference. This is the way to encourage useful comments and discussion from your audience.
- AERE DOES NOT PAY TRAVEL OR HONORARIA: AERE does not provide reimbursements for travel or honoraria for presenters, discussants or session chairs. The organization relies upon volunteers to assemble and coordinate these events. The WEAI-AERE sessions, like the SEA-AERE sessions, receive the endorsement of AERE upon approval of the proposed program.
- FIRST-TIME PRESENTER? If you are a first-time participant in an AERE-sponsored conference session (and especially if this is your first time to present at any scholarly conference), here are some hastily assembled guidelines that may help you feel less like a fish-out-of-water (or deer-in-the-headlights, or any other type of wildlife) at the event itself