Non-market and Indirect Market Valuation
Session Chair*: Noelwah Netusil, Reed College
Valuing ecosystem restoration: tradeoffs, experience and design
Sahan DISSANAYAKE, Portland State University
Abstract; Paper;
The Role of Forests as Natural Amenities: A Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model with Two Spatial Processes
German IZON, Eastern Washington University; Michael Hand, USDA Economic Research Service; Jennifer Thacher, University of New Mexico; Daniel McCollum, US Forest Service; Robert Berrens, University of New Mexico
Abstract; Paper;
Valuing Water Quality in an Urban Watershed
Noelwah NETUSIL; Michael Kincaid, Reed College; Heejun Chang, Portland State University
What Can We Learn From Hedonic Models Where Markets Are Dominated By Foreclosures?
Edward Coulson, Pennsylvania State University; Jeffrey ZABEL, Tufts University
Abstract; Paper;
Note: All materials are the intellectual property of the authors. This work should be considered as preliminary. Please do not cite or quote without the author's permission.
Updated: . Please report errors or omissions to Trudy Cameron _______________* Each session lasts a total of 1 hour and 45 minutes. Four-paper sessions: each presenter will be allowed 20 minutes, including any setup time that is used. Three-paper sessions: each presenter will be allowed 28 total minutes. Chair's responsibilities: Provide a laptop computer for the session; ensure that all presentations are preloaded onto the computer and queued-up for presentation prior to the start time of the session. (Detailed suggestions are available for less experienced chairpersons.)