WEAI/AERE 2009 - Individual Paper Abstract
Title: Role of Renewable Resources for Ohio's Environment and Sustainable Energy Future
Bibhakar Shakya, Center for Environmental Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University (photo credit: compilation of shots based on DOE/NREL photo eXchange)
Abstract: Among scientists, the majority now agrees that greenhouse gas emissions contribute to global climate change. Hence, the use of clean and sustainable energy resources has become critical to limit those emissions and reduce their negative impacts on the global climate. Several U.S. states have aggressively addressed this issue by enacting and implementing key environmental policies, such as a carbon cap, or renewable portfolio standards. This paper discusses comprehensive energy plans under development for Ohio, specifically the implementation of an Advance Energy Portfolio standard under Senate Bill (SB) 221 to achieve a long-term goal of providing reliable, affordable and cleaner electricity to Ohio's consumers. The Advance Energy Portfolio standard includes generation of electricity from renewable resources as well as from low carbon energy technologies, such as clean coal (with carbon emissions amenable to sequestration), advanced nuclear, fuel cells and other emerging advanced technologies. The paper adapts the OH-MARKAL (MARKet ALlocation) model, which is based on a dynamic linear program, as a policy tool to evaluate the Advanced Portfolio Standard and other energy efficiency goals under SB 221. The results suggest that policy interventions will be needed to make renewable energy competitive with coal and other conventional sources. However, various policy requirements for a cleaner and sustainable energy future under SB 221 can be met without a significant increase in the price of electricity. The paper also demonstrates that by analyzing at Ohio's comprehensive energy plans, insights can be identified which are likely to be applicable to other states and regions.