General information about this event can be found at the WEAI/AERE website.

Updated: June 17, 2009. Please report errors or omissions to Trudy Cameron

WEAI/AERE 2009[15] - Session 1A: Tuesday, June 30, 8:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Cars: hybrids, fuel economy, and low emission zones
Session Chair*: Hendrik Wolff, University of Washington
  1. Evaluating Government Support for Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Japan
    Yu Arai, Sumeet GULATI, University of British Columbia
    Abstract; Discussant:Maureen Cropper, University of Maryland
  2. CAFE regulation: The downside of double standards
    Emma HUTCHINSON, University of Victoria
    [Paper withdrawn]
  3. The Demand for Fuel Economy in the Indian Passenger Vehicle Market
    Randy Chugh, University of Maryland; Maureen CROPPER, University of Maryland; Urvashi Narain, World Bank
    Abstract; Discussant: Hendrik Wolff, University of Washington
  4. Cars, Air Pollution and Low Emission Zones in Europe
    Lisa Perry, Hendrik WOLFF, University of Washington
    Abstract; Discussant: Sumeet Gulati, University of British Columbia
WEAI/AERE 2009[16] - Session 1B: Tuesday, June 30, 8:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Natural Resource Institutions
Session Chair*: Duncan Knowler, Simon Fraser University
  1. Grazing Fees versus Stewardship on Federal Lands
    Myles Watts, Jay Shimshack, Jeffrey LAFRANCE; Washington State University
    Abstract; Paper; Discussant: Linda Fernandez, UC Riverside
  2. Optimal Invasive Species Policies Under Asymmetric Information
    Linda FERNANDEZ, Glenn Sheriff; UC Riverside, Columbia University
    Abstract; Paper; Discussant: Duncan Knowler, Simon Fraser University
  3. A Monopolistic Competition Economic Model of the Horticultural Industry with a Risk of Harmful Plant Invasion [replacement paper]
    Edward Barbier, University of Wyoming; Johnson Gwatipedza; Duncan KNOWLER, Simon Fraser University; Sarah Reichard
    Abstract; Paper; Discussant: Nori Tarui, University of Hawaii, Manoa
  4. Governing the Resource: Scarcity-Induced Institutional Change
    Nori TARUI, James Roumasset; University of Hawaii, Manoa
    Abstract; Discussant: Jeffrey LaFrance, Washington State University
WEAI/AERE 2009[31] - Session 2A: Tuesday, June 30, 10:15 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Climate: flooding, small hydro, migration, energy-efficiency
Session Chair*: Maureen Cropper, U. Maryland and Resources for the Future
  1. Natural Disasters and their Consequences on Labor Markets: Evidence from the 1998 Flood in Bangladesh
    Valerie MUELLER, Agnes Quisumbing, Int'l Food Policy Research Inst.
    Abstract; Paper; Discussant: Lisa Skumatz, Skumatz Economic Research Associates
  2. Recycling vs. Energy Efficiency Programs - Which are More Cost-Effective for Reducing GHGs?
    Lisa SKUMATZ et al., Skumatz Economic Research Associates
    Abstract; Paper; Discussant: Lea Kosnik, University of Missouri, St. Louis
  3. Small Hydropower's Potential in the Fight Against Global Warming: A Benefit-Cost Analysis
    Lea KOSNIK, University of Missouri, St. Louis
    Abstract; Discussant: Paramita Sinha, RTI
  4. The Value of Climate Amenities: Evidence from U.S. Migration Decisions
    Paramita SINHA, RTI; Maureen Cropper, U. Maryland and Resources for the Future
    Abstract; Discussant: Valerie Mueller, Agnes Quisumbing, Int'l Food Policy Research Inst.
WEAI/AERE 2009[30] - Session 2B: Tuesday, June 30, 10:15 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Natural Resources and Resource Policy
Session Chair*: Ramesh KUMAR; University of Waterloo
  1. Optimal Domestic Processing of Exhaustible Resource Exports under Stock Uncertainty
    Ramesh KUMAR; University of Waterloo
    Abstract; Paper; Discussant: John Janmaat, UBC-Okanagan
  2. Water Markets, Licences, and Conservation: Some Implications
    John JANMAAT; UBC-Okanagan
    Abstract; Discussant: Shan Chen, University of Waterloo
  3. The Impact of Stochastic Convenience Yield on Long-term Forestry Investment Decisions
    Shan CHEN, Margaret Insley, and Tony Wirjanto; University of Waterloo
    Abstract; Discussant: TBA
  4. The Efficiency Gains from Coordinating Effort in a Fishery: Evidence from the Chignik Salmon Cooperative
    Bob DEACON, Dominic Parker, Chris Costello; UC Santa Barbara
    [Paper withdrawn]
WEAI/AERE 2009[49] - Session 3A: Tuesday, June 30, 2:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Ecolabeling, Audits, Disclosure
Session Chair*: Sumeet Gulati, University of British Columbia
  1. Eco-Labeling of Services: The Blue-Flag
    Toni SIPIC, University of Oregon
    Abstract; Discussant: Scott Gilpatric, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  2. Environmental compliance through endogenous audit mechanisms
    Scott GILPATRIC, Michael McKee, Christian Vossler; U. Tenn., Knoxville; Appalachian State
    Abstract; Discussant: Souvik Datta, University of British Columbia [NOTE CHANGE]
  3. The determinants of voluntary carbon disclosure
    Josh SKOV, University of Oregon
    [Paper withdrawn]
  4. Are Purchase Rebates for Energy Star Appliances Cost-effective?
    Souvik DATTA, Sumeet Gulati; UBC
    Abstract; Discussant: Toni Sipic, University of Oregon
WEAI/AERE 2009[48] - Session 3B: Tuesday, June 30, 2:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Recreational Demands
Session Chair*: George Frisvold, University of Arizona
  1. Temporal Stability of Recreational Choices
    George Parsons, Stela STEFANOVA; University of Delaware
    [Paper withdrawn]
  2. Valuing the Recreation Outings of Children
    Richard DUNFORD, Randall Rosenberger; Environmental Economics Services, LLC; Oregon State University
    Abstract; Paper; Discussant: George Frisvold, University of Arizona [NOTE CHANGE]
  3. The Recreational Value of Coral Reefs: A Classical and a Bayesian Approach to Meta-analytic Benefit Transfer
    Luz LONDONO-DIAZ, Robert Johnston; University of Connecticut
    [Paper withdrawn]
  4. Demand for Visits to Southwestern National Parks: Efficient Estimation with Time-Invariant and Rarely Changing Variables and Park-Specific Fixed Effects
    George FRISVOLD, Xudong Ma; University of Arizona
    Abstract; Discussant: Richard Dunford, Environmental Economics Services, LLC [NOTE CHANGE]
  5. [Replacement paper pending]
AERE Reception: To be scheduled as soon as possible after the sessions that end at 4:15 p.m. Stay tuned for exact time and location. If they set up in one of our session rooms, there may be a short delay. (They may be able to give us a nicer room.) All AERE participants are encouraged to take this opportunity to interact in this more casual atmosphere. This will also be a good place for everyone to make sure they have dinner plans for later in the evening.
WEAI/AERE 2009[81] - Session 4A: Wednesday, July 1, 8:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Health and Environment
Session Chair*: Trudy Ann Cameron, University of Oregon
  1. Willingness to Pay for Small Reductions in Morbidity and Mortality Risks: Canada and the United States
    Peter STIFFLER, Trudy Ann Cameron, University of Oregon; J.R. DeShazo, UCLA
    Abstract; Discussant: Fei Yu, Colby College
  2. Willingness to Pay for Health Risk Reductions: Differences by Type of Illness
    Erica JOHNSON, Gonzaga University; Trudy Ann Cameron, University of Oregon; J.R. DeShazo, UCLA
    Abstract; Discussant: TBA
  3. Subjective Choice Difficulty as a Context Effect in Stated Preference Surveys
    Eric DUQUETTE, Trudy Ann Cameron, University of Oregon; J.R. DeShazo, UCLA
    Abstract; Discussant: TBA
  4. Measuring Health Benefits from Interventions to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution in Rural China
    Fei YU; Colby College
    Abstract; Paper; Discussant: Eric Duquette, University of Oregon
WEAI/AERE 2009[82] - Session 4B: Wednesday, July 1, 8:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Methodology: WTP; Fisheries
Session Chair*: David Layton, University of Washington
  1. More Trouble with Turnbull: Calculating Confidence Intervals for WTP When Using Estimators with Monotonicity Constraints
    Craig MOHN, Barbara Kanninen; Cascade Econometrics
    Abstract; Discussant: Yoshifumi Konishi, Williams College
  2. A Framework for Estimating Willingness-To-Pay To Avoid Endogenous Environmental Risks
    Yoshifumi KONISHI, Williams College; and Kenju Adachi
    Abstract; Discussant: Craig Mohn, Cascade Econometrics
  3. Measuring the Dynamic Efficiency Costs of Common Property Resource Exploitation: A Dynamic Discrete Choice Model of the Fishery
    Ling HUANG, Duke University
    Abstract; Discussant: David Layton, University of Washington
  4. Specifying, Estimating, and Simulating, Multivariate Extreme Value (GEV) Discrete Choice Models in Fisheries
    David LAYTON, Alan Haynie, University of Washington
    Abstract; Discussant: Ling Huang, Duke University
WEAI/AERE 2009[100] - Session 5A: Wednesday, July 1, 10:15 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Environmental Applications of Hedonic Methods
Session Chair*: Noelwah Netusil, Reed College
  1. The Value of Disappearing Beaches in North Carolina: A Hedonic Pricing model with Endogenous Beach Width
    Sathya GOPALAKRISHNAN, Jordan Slott, Martin Smith; Duke University
    Abstract; Discussant: Martin Heintzelman, Clarkson University
  2. The Value of Land Use Patterns and Preservation Policies
    Martin HEINTZELMAN, Clarkson University
    Abstract; Discussant: Bowman Cutter, Pomona College
  3. Dynamic Estimation of Open Space and Housing Values: A Novel Repeated Sales/Matching Approach
    Bowman CUTTER, Pomona College; Linda Fernandez, Ritu Sharma, UC Riverside
    Abstract; Discussant: Noelwah Netusil, Reed College
  4. Valuing Vegetation in an Urban Watershed
    Noelwah NETUSIL, Reed College; Jonathan Kadish, Pomona College
    Abstract; Discussant: Sathya Gopalakrishnan, Duke University
WEAI/AERE 2009[101] - Session 5B: Wednesday, July 1, 10:15 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Trade and Environment
Session Chair*: Michael SPRINGBORN, UC Davis [NOTE CHANGE]
  1. Is bioenergy trade good for the environment?
    Jean-Marc Bourgeon, Helene OLLIVIER; EHESS - umr CIRED
    Abstract; Paper; Discussant: Lily Hsueh, University of Washington
  2. IS0 14001 and the Trade of Economic Bads
    Lily HSUEH; University of Washington
    Abstract; Discussant: Mike Springborn, UC Davis
  3. Closing the Gap between Risk Estimation and Decision-Making: Efficient Management of Trade-Related Invasive Species Risk
    Robert Lieli, University of Texas, Austin; Michael SPRINGBORN, UC Davis
    Abstract; Discussant: Helene Ollivier, EHESS - umr CIRED [NOTE CHANGE]
  4. Trade, the Damage from Alien Species, and the Effects of Protectionism Under Alternate Market Structures
    Amit BATABYAL,Rochester Institute of Technology; Hamid Beladi, University of Texas, San Antonio
    Abstract; [Paper Withdrawn]
WEAI/AERE 2009[133] - Session 6: Wednesday, July 1, 2:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Renewable Energy Resources
Session Chair*: William Jaeger, Oregon State University
  1. Have Renewable Portfolio Standards Raised Electricity Rates? Evidence from Panel Data
    Constant TRA; University of Nevada, Las Vegas
    Abstract; Paper; Discussant: Jason Barton, University of British Columbia, University of Illinois [NOTE CHANGE]
  2. Role of Renewable Resources for Ohio's Environment and Sustainable Energy Future
    Bibhakar SHAKYA; Virginia Comonwealth University
    Abstract; [Paper Withdrawn]
  3. American Importation of Brazilian Ethanol: The potential ecological impacts and their economic costs
    Jason BARTON; University of British Columbia, University of Illinois
    Abstract; Discussant: William Jaeger, Oregon State University
  4. The Cost-Effectiveness of Biofuel Policies: Multiple Objectives, Indirect Effects, and Uncertainty
    William K. JAEGER and Thorsten Egelkraut, Oregon State University
    Abstract; Discussant: Constant Tra, University of Nevada, Las Vegas