Trudy Ann Cameron
Trudy Ann Cameron
Public preferences for state-level carbon cap-and-trade programs
Choice experiments for ecosystems and wild birds: An overview of the literature and transferability of benefits functions
Using citizen/community science (CS) data to study outdoor recreation and visitation on public lands: an eBird example
Carbon-reduction programs in higher education: Demand as a function of program attributes and stakeholder characteristics
Ample correction for sample selection in random utility models for choice experiments and other multiple-choice contexts
Using auxiliary population samples for sample-selection correction in models based on crowd-sourced volunteered geographic information
Unexpected effects of national social insurance on support for county-level public health policies
Willingness to bear the costs of preventative public health measures
Differential attention to attributes in stated preference research: evidence from Mouselab
Beyond just species richness: Demand for conservation programs to protect or enhance abundance among regional populations of backyard bird species
Climate, land cover, and bird populations: Differential impacts on the future welfare of birders across the Pacific Northwest
Potential climate change health risks from increases in heat waves: Abnormal birth outcomes and adverse maternal health conditions
The non-market value of birding sites and the marginal value of additional species: Biodiversity in a random utility model of site choice by eBird members
Contemporary guidance for stated preference studies
Payment vehicles for public goods: Evidence from California's Proposition 21
Extreme weather events and rural-to-urban migration
The effects of extreme weather events on self-protection investments
Willingness to pay for public health policies to treat illnesses
Valuing morbidity in environmental benefit-cost analysis
Demand for health risk reductions
How health investments are affected by changes in time preferences across the life cycle: Understanding health behaviors with age-varying discount rates
Superfund taint and neighborhood change: Ethnicity, age distributions, and household structure
Marginal rates of substitution between discounted health-state years in a utility-theoretic model of preferences over latent health risks
Distal order effects in stated preference surveys
Willingness to pay for other species' well-being
Scenario adjustment in stated preference research
Willingness to pay for health risk reductions: Differences by type of illness
Demand for health risk reductions: A cross-national comparison between the U.S. and Canada
Differential attention to attributes in utility-theoretic choice models
Distributional preferences and the incidence of costs and benefits in climate change policy
Is an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure? Comparing demand for public prevention and treatment policies
Discounting versus risk aversion: their effects on individual demands for climate change mitigation
Euthanizing the value of a statistical life
The effect of children on adult demands for health-risk reductions
Subjective choice difficulty in stated choice tasks
Demand for environmental policies to improve health: Evaluating community-level policy scenarios
The effect of consumers' real-world choice sets on inferences from stated preference surveys
Behavioral frontiers in choice modeling
Popular support for climate change mitigation: Evidence from a general population mail survey
Can stigma explain large property value losses? The psychology and economics of Superfund
Valuing publicly sponsored research projects: Risks, scenario adjustments, and inattention
A comprehensive assessment of selection in a major internet panel for the case of attitudes toward government regulation
Evidence of environmental migration
Directional heterogeneity in distance profiles in hedonic property value models
The effect of health status on willingness to pay for morbidity and mortality risk reductions
Recent progress on endogeneity in choice modeling
Two types of age effects in the demand for reductions in mortality risks with differing latencies
Individual subjective discounting: Form, context, format, and noise
Individual option prices for climate change mitigation
Updating subjective risks in the presence of conflicting information: An application to climate change
Alternative non-market value-elicitation methods: Are the underlying preferences the same?
Dissecting the random component of utility
Nonresponse bias in mail survey data: Salience vs. endogenous survey complexity
Respondent experience and contingent valuation of environmental goods
Welfare effects of changes in environmental quality under individual uncertainty about use
Using actual and contingent behavior data with differing levels of time aggregation to model recreation demand
Augmenting travel cost models with contingent behavior data: Poisson regression analyses with individual panel data
Estimation using contingent valuation data from a 'dichotomous choice with follow-up' questionnaire
Combining contingent valuation and travel cost data for the valuation of nonmarket goods
Referendum contingent valuation estimates: sensitivity to the assignment of offered values
Interval estimates of non-market resource values from referendum contingent valuation surveys
Determinants of household water conservation retrofit activity: A discrete choice model using survey data
OLS versus ML estimation of non-market resource values with payment card interval data
A new paradigm for valuing non-market goods using referendum data - Maximum-likelihood estiimation by censored-logistic regression
Estimating willingness to pay from survey data: an alternative pre-test-market evaluation
Efficient estimation methods for closed-ended contingent valuation surveys
A nested logit model of energy conservation activity by owners of existing single family dwellings
SURVEY on... Backyard birding in the Chesapeake region
SURVEY on... Cap and trade programs at the state level
SURVEY on... Carbon-reduction programs in higher education
SURVEY on... Climate change programs (mail version)
SURVEY on... Humanely raised livestock and poultry
SURVEY on... Pandemic policy
SURVEY on... Private health risk reductions
SURVEY on... Public health risk reductions - prevention
SURVEY on... Public health risk reductions - treatment