Meet your 2010-2011 Officers!

CKI exec members are chosen by application and interview every spring term and decisions are made by exec members from the current year. This policy may change if exec and general members chose to. All exec members are expected to attend every meetings and events. General members may sit in on our exec meetings if they wish to do so.


Name: Janessa Nelson
Human Physiology
About me:
I am from the Colorful state of Colorado! I am a junior at the University of Oregon and a Human Physiology major with a Chemistry and Music Minor. I am in my second year as Residential FIG Assistant in the residence halls. I love to sing and play the piano. I really like to rock climb, backpack, kayak, and other outdoorsy activities. My career aspiration is to become a doctor.
Why I joined CKI: I freaking love community service! Hahaha. Community service and leadership have been a major part of my life for a very long time. I have participated in multiple community service trips as well as big projects for Boy Scout and Girl Scout Awards. I enjoy contributing in small ways to the community. My main goal for the club is to be able to connect students to community service opportunities that exist on campus and in the Eugene/Springfield area. I also love hanging out with the people who are in CKI. Hanging out with amazing friends while doing community service, what could be better?!

Vice- President

Name: Liz Shepard
About me:
I am a senior year and I will be graduating in June 2011! In August, I will start graduate school at George Washington University in Washington, DC studying Information Systems Management. I love skiing, playing the piano, playing tennis with friends, and partying.
Why I joined CKI:
During our freshman year Janessa and I wanted to do something for the campus so we started Circle K. It has been two years since that and I am proud that we have gotten so far. I love doing community service; I volunteered at my local library for four years and volunteered in high school. My hope for this club is after Janessa and I graduate that it will contiune strong in serving UO and the greater Eugene/Springfield community.


Name: Danny Auerbach
Political Science
About me:
I'm the head coordinator of the Oregon Crew team and on the varsity Mens team.
Why I joined CKI:

Community service makes me feel warm inside.





Name: Cindy Lin
Human Physiology
About me:
I graduated high school at 16 (and no, I didn't graduate "early" and did not skip a grade).
Why I joined CKI:

Giving back is something that is very important to me. I love to stay active and involved in the community and I truly enjoy spreading goodness and happiness to others.




Co-Projects Chair

Name:Saraga Reddy
Human Physiology
About me:
I love singing, dancing, and acting in my spare time, and am a total TV show junkie!
Why I joined CKI: I decided to become a part of CKI because I liked that the group was not limited in the types of volunteer work it did. I loved that CKI was open to trying out new ideas and volunteering wherever help was needed!



Co-Projects Chair

Name: Kelly DeFacci
About me:
I am a sophomore at the Univeristy of Oregon, pursuing a major in business and a minor in chemistry. I am from Portland, I enjoy roller coasters, artsy crafty things, and fashion.
Why I joined CKI:
I never did clubs in high school, so I wanted to change that in college. CKI gave me the opportunity to participate in something more than school, and help the community around Eugene.




Recuritment and Retention Chair

Name: Kayl Johnson
About me:
I am a complete contradictory of myself. Im down to earth and up in the clouds, an organized mess, a book loving adventurist, a free spirit with an old soul.
Why I joined CKI:




Public Relations Chair

Name: Cody Puterbaugh
About me:
Don't fret about the small things!
Why I joined CKI:
I like volunteering and meeting new people!





Historian/Bulletin Editor

Name:Kate Bezzina
About me:
To say a little about myself...I love art, adventure, water, and someday want to swim with sharks. .
Why I joined CKI:

I like keeping busy and being involved in lots of activities. My position with CKI has been a great way to combine my love of photography, being a member of a campus club, and helping the community. A famous Chinese proverb states that it's "better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." I think it's important for everyone to do what they can to light candles.


Kiwanins Adivsor

Name: Brent Murrary
About me:
Brent is currently our Kiwanins Advisor. He attends every meetings and relys information from CKI to the Eugene Kiwanis Club.








  • In 2009-2010 Circle K International did 649 service hours! Congratulations to all that contributed! Have a wonderful holiday break! Stay warm and safe.


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