Women Group & Church collaboration
- Together, they identify the young grils who needs sponsorship
to the sewing school. Scholarships funds comes from: Umoja Women
Group projects, International relief organizations,
individuals from USA, Tanzania and other parts.
- help families in need in the village:
Currently, they are fund-raising to help buy a bicycle
for 45-year old Christian Maruda. He has Elephantiasis
- a painfull sweeling in his legs transmitted by mosquito.
He has 3 girls attending Primary and Secondary School,
beucause of his illiness he can not to work to support
his daughters. With a bike, he will be able to ride to
various places to fund-raise and ask for help. The bike
will cost about $90. They also want to help him a year
of 2 girls tuition & fees in school amounting to about
$300 a year for both.

Lawate village is about 4500 people. They have over 200
kids who are ophans. They also assist to send these children
to school.

- After Church service, they auction off some items.
Church deacons...
Church Pastor...