d e p a r t m e n t o f a r c h i t e c t u r e , u n i v e r s i t y o f o r e g o n
Arch 410/510 - Cheng, Spring 1997
Steps in Selecting a CAD system
From Thomas Kvan's "Understanding CAD/CAFM", April 1991:
"The selection process for a CAD system is typically structured in the following steps:
- Familiarization with CAD
- Feasibility study
- Cost/benefit analysis
- Management review
- System specification
- Request for proposal (RFP)
- Proposal evaluation
- Short-list selection
- Roadtesting
- Vendor Selection
- Management approval
- Contract review/negotiation
- User training
- Installation"
He goes on to note that steps 6, 7, 12 can be skipped for off-the-shelf systems.