d e p a r t m e n t   o f   a r c h i t e c t u r e ,   u n i v e r s i t y   o f   o r e g o n

Arch 410/510 - Cheng, Spring 1997


April 1, 1997

I. Class Introduction

A. Class format, credits, requirements, logistics, rules.

B. Required text, AutoCad Mac software & FormZ software

C. Introduce Professor, TA's and AutoCad Buddy system




D. Web site: http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~design/cad.html

II. Class Agenda

A. Steps in selecting a CAD system

B. Developing Criteria for selecting a CAD system

C. Learning CAD as a foreign language (repetition, strategy, resourcefulness)

D. Characteristics of CAD systems

III. Getting Started with AutoCad

A. In Klamath B13, to start AutoCad,
1. From the Apple menu > Control Panels > Memory:
turn Modern Memory Manager OFF
turn Virtual Memory ON
RESTART the computer

2. Make sure that the KeyServer access is on:
From the Apple menu > Chooser > Key Access:
Zone: CC Microlabs, pick "MonaLisa"

3. From the local machine's hard disk labeled "7500 HD",
open Selected Software > AutoCad Release 12 folder
double click on the AutoCad icon.
(If you have trouble, open the "Klamath AutoCAD Readme"
by dragging over TeachText which is in the 7500 HD's Misc
Utilities folder.)

4. At the end of your lab session turn the Modern Memory Manager ON:

from the Apple menu > Control Panels > Memory
RESTART the computer

B. Interface Issues

IV. Important Notes on using AutoCad on the Mac

1. It's slow and buggy:
After pulling down most dialogue boxes, you'll have to anually request a screen REDRAW by typing "R" or "'R" when within a command.

2. Magic buttons:

3. Printing with lineweight control requires creating Postscript files. then using a PS print utility such as Adobe Downloader 5.05. (on Software Disk > AutoCad Release 12 folder)
See pp.392-394 of the Katz book for more info.

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