d e p a r t m e n t o f a r c h i t e c t u r e , u n i v e r s i t y o f o r e g o n
Arch 410/510 - Cheng, Spring 1997
April 1, 1997
I. Class Introduction
A. Class format, credits, requirements, logistics, rules.
B. Required text, AutoCad Mac software & FormZ software
C. Introduce Professor, TA's and AutoCad Buddy system
- Jim Duffy jduffy@darkwing.uoregon.edu, 485-9576 (PC)
- Claire Obenson claire@darkwing.uoregon.edu, 741-2791 (PC)
- Chris Burgess chrismb@gladstone.uoregon.edu, 726-8693 (Mac)
- Corey Meeks cmeeks@gladstone.uoregon.edu, 465-4755 (Mac)
- Jeff Wilder jeffw@gladstone.uoregon.edu 344-1919, DCL output room (PC)
- Adam Sharkey sharkey@darkwing.uoregon.edu, 338-8487 (Mac)
- Scott Evert Adams scottadm@gladstone.uoregon.edu , 686-9775 (practicum)
- Kendra Carson kcarson@darkwing.uoregon.edu, 334-6403, 274 LA Reynolds studio
- Brian Schweitzer schweitz@gladstone.uoregon.edu, 338-8229 (Henrichs studio)
- Kurt Huang khuang@gladstone.uoregon.edu, 431-0784
- Brady Burnell burnell@gladstone.uoregon.edu
- Midhat Delic midhatd@gladstone.uoregon
- Birgit Klocke mogli@darkwing.uoregon.edu
D. Web site:
II. Class Agenda
A. Steps in selecting a CAD system
B. Developing Criteria for selecting a CAD system
C. Learning CAD as a foreign language (repetition, strategy, resourcefulness)
D. Characteristics of CAD systems
III. Getting Started with AutoCad
A. In Klamath B13, to start AutoCad,
- 1. From the Apple menu > Control Panels > Memory:
- turn Modern Memory Manager OFF
- turn Virtual Memory ON
- RESTART the computer
- 2. Make sure that the KeyServer access is on:
- From the Apple menu > Chooser > Key Access:
- Zone: CC Microlabs, pick "MonaLisa"
- 3. From the local machine's hard disk labeled "7500 HD",
- open Selected Software > AutoCad Release 12 folder
- double click on the AutoCad icon.
- (If you have trouble, open the "Klamath AutoCAD Readme"
by dragging over TeachText which is in the 7500 HD's Misc
Utilities folder.)
- 4. At the end of your lab session turn the Modern Memory Manager ON:
- from the Apple menu > Control Panels > Memory
- RESTART the computer
B. Interface Issues
IV. Important Notes on using AutoCad on the Mac
- 1. It's slow and buggy:
- After pulling down most dialogue boxes, you'll have to anually request a screen REDRAW by typing "R" or "'R" when within a command.
- 2. Magic buttons:
- Control C cancels any command
- Hitting Return sends typed input or lets the system know there wont
be more input. A second Return brings back the command again.
- Space acts like a return to complete a command.
- U means Undo, R means Redo
- 3. Printing with lineweight control requires creating Postscript files. then using a PS print utility such as Adobe Downloader 5.05. (on Software Disk > AutoCad Release 12 folder)
See pp.392-394 of the Katz book for more info.
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