d e p a r t m e n t   o f   a r c h i t e c t u r e ,   u n i v e r s i t y   o f   o r e g o n

Form Z Tutorial 2

May 8, 1997

Objectives: To understand enough about the 3D modeling interface to be able to explore on one's own.

I. Review of Drafting interface

Aqua-colored modifiers affecting

II. Similarities between the 2D Drafting and the 3D Modeling interface

A. Strip down what you see to the basics.
From the bottom of the Options menu, choose Help... > Modeling Tools.
In the dialog box, load "model.zmn" from the Course Disks > Course folder > Arch 410 folder.

B. Control Structures
Orientation grids
Perpendicular lock
Grid Snap, Angle lock, Object snap (same as drafting)

C. Viewing
Zoom, pan, Fit (same as drafting)
Swiveling the model around
window tool palette

III. Creating and editing objects

A. Modeling Modifiers (creating 3D shapes)
derivative objects
modeling modifiers
B. Deriving 3D from 2D)derivative objects
C. Selection of Objects
Hierarchical levels
Prepicking vs. Post picking (try it with MOVE)
Ghosted objects
modeling modifiers

ACTIVITY: Build with lego blocks

Goal: Gain control of navigating in 3D
Understand the difference between Self and Self/Copy when using the Move & editing commands.

ACTIVITY: Try out Tutorial 7.1 (derivative objects)

III. Moving from 2D Drafting to 3D Modeling and back

Select items using the arrow (or from Edit, Select all unGhosted), then in Edit menu, "Paste from Modeling" or "Paste from Drafting"
drafted profile transfered to modeling mode
drafted profile transfered to modeling mode

ACTIVITY: Bottle Exercise:

  1. In Draft, draw 1/2 profile of bottle using an open continuous polyline which starts and stops on the y axis. (start and end with grid snap on, join lines where necessary)
  2. Select all Unghosted and Copy (Command C)
  3. In Windows menu, Open New Model Window.
  4. In View Menu, choose [+YZ] Right Side
  5. In Edit menu, Paste from Drafting
  6. Adjust the view if desired.
  7. Double click on Revolve icon (row below selection arrow) and pick Lathed object, set facets to 32. (see below)
  8. Revolve the profile around the central z axis line
  9. In the Display menu, look at the form in Surface or Shaded Render.
drafted profile transfered to modeling mode

IV. Survey of other aspects of the 3D interface (if time)

Editing & attribute commands Options menu: Working units, Window setup 2D area selection tool


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