d e p a r t m e n t o f a r c h i t e c t u r e , u n i v e r s i t y o f o r e g o n
Arch 410/510 - Cheng, Spring 1997
CAAD References
Katz, Genivieve, Autocad for the Mac Visual Guide, Sybex, 1994.
Clear graphic explanations and exercises for learning AutoCad basics.
Sanders, Ken, The Digital Architect: A Common Sense Guide to Using Computer Technology in Design Practice, John Wiley and Sons, 1996.
An up to date, complete look at many aspects of computer usage in architectural practice.
Proctor, Richard M ,
The principles of pattern for craftsmen and designers, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1969.
Phillips, Peter and Gillian Bunce,Repeat patterns : a manual for designers, artists and architects, New York : Thames and Hudson, c1993.
Picton, John, The Art of African Textiles, London : Barbican Art Gallery ; Lund Humphries Publishers, c1995.
Koning, H, and Julie Eizenberg, "The language of the prairie: Frank Lloyd Wright's prairie houses", Environment and Planning B, v.8, 1981, pp. 295-323.
Parametric shape grammar based on the fireplace around which Froebelean-type blocks are recursively added and interpenetrated.
March, Lionel, and George Stiny, "Spatial systems in Architecture and Design: Some history and logic", Environment and Planning B, 1985, v. 12, pp. 31-53.
Developments in using computer-aided rules of composition.
Mitchell W.J. & Stiny, G." The Palladian Grammar", Environment and Planning B, 1978, v. 5, pp. 5-18.
Analysis of Palladian planning operations are encoded into a computer program. First in a series of architectural shape grammars.
Seebohm, Thomas, "CAD & the Baroque", in Jordan, Peter, ed., ACADIA '90 Proceedings: From Research to Practice.
Explanation of how a team was organized to build elaborate Baroque elevations with CAD components which could be re-used for new compositions.
Seebohm, Thomas, "If Architectural Practice is to Benefit from Computer Aided Design", ACADIA Quarterly, v. 12, no. 4, 1993.
Potentials of the new technology for the nature of architectural work and social aspects of practice.
Jog, Bharati. "Integration of Computer Applications in the Practice of Architecture". in Morgan, Fred & Richard Pohlman's Education and Practice: the Critical Interface, ACADIA '93.
A survey of computer use emphasizing types of tools used and purposes.
Kvan, Thomas, "Understanding CAD/CAFM and selecting a system", in Canadian Facility Management, April 1991.
Explains logical steps to take in choosing a CAD system.
Ross, Steven, "Who's Who in the CAD Landscape", Architectural Record, Jan'97, pp. 169-174.
Explanation CAD engines & add-on software, roles played by third-party developers & dealers, changes occuring due to the Web.
Weeks, David, "Cad in Practice: The Message is the Medium", ACADIA Quarterly, v. 14, no.1, Winter 1995.
A small firm uses computer technology for its global practice.
Kalisperis, Loukas N., and Randal Groninger, "CADD Utilization in the Architectural Design Process: Implications for Computer Integration in Practice", Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, v. 11, no. 2, pp. 137-148, Summer 1994, Lock Science Publishing Co.
Survey of CADD and DBMS use and satisfaction in firms correlated to firm orientation: Design/Theory, Midrange or Pragmatic practices.
Lewis, Brian J, Gregory Shea & Thomas Kvan, "Managing Change in the Design Process Caused by Implementation of CADD in Consulting Engineering Firms", unpublished report.
Novitski, B.J., "Merging virtual technologies change the rules of collaboration", Architectural Record, October 1996, p. 46-51.
New ways to use communication technology to work together.