d e p a r t m e n t   o f   a r c h i t e c t u r e ,   u n i v e r s i t y   o f   o r e g o n

Structuring CAD data, working with solids

May 13, 1997

Objective: To understand how data structures can parallel architectural organization
To understand constraints and possibilities allowed by data structures such as solids

I. Organizing structures

FormZ provides 3 primary ways to group data.

A. Layers

Attributes of visible/ghosted/off, locked, snappable are in palette. Use layers for systems and subsystems which have similar attributes, use objects for specific grouping of parts with different attributes within these systems.

B. Object & Group Hierarchies

C. Symbols

II. Workshop on Symbol Definition & Redefinition

III. Graphic data types and operations.

Solid vs. Surface vs. Lines

Operations on Faces

Inserting Points, Segments & Outlines To create new facets.

Non-Planar faces can be split with Triangulate

Operations on Solids:

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