d e p a r t m e n t o f a r c h i t e c t u r e , u n i v e r s i t y o f o r e g o n
Feb. 18, 1997
To see how renderings can serve different purposes.
To gain control of texture mapping.
I. Review of Student Projects
II. Renderings and Purpose
A. Analytical vs. Experiential images
. 1. Analytical:
- Focused diagrams: reduced information organized with clear hierarchy
- Axonometric or Orthographic views
. 2. Experiential:
- Sensory qualities
- Narrative sequence
- Perception
- Perspective views taken at eye-level mimic walk-throughs
B. Color
- Analytical coding vs. Naturalistic representation
- Subtle differences very apparent to human eye
C. Juxtapositions
- Provide mulitple images in a single eyespan
- Similar framework allows reading of dissimilar qualities
D. Point of View
- Relationship of Viewer and subject
- Frontal calm vs. Oblique dynamism
E. Lighting
- Subdued even light allows reading of surface material
- Raking light & cast shadows emphasize texture
- Sparkle adds decorative accents
- Atmospheric effects soften the machine-made quality
F. Working design tool
. 1. Communication of process
. 2. Physical models for intuition +
. 3. Digital models for
- parametric variations
- interior walkthroughs
- material substitution,
- component development
. 4. Image processing/ DTP for presentation consistency
G. Analytical images can explain operations:
- Building systems: {Structure, HVAC, Plumbing, Daylighting}
- Construction systems
III. Textures
A. Surface Appearance
The appearance of a surface is determined by the local color and material and how light hits it.
Shaders: a collection of surface characteristics and shading techniques. Each program sorts particular characteristics. FormZ has:
- Color
- Reflection
- Transparency
- Bump
B. Window vs. Project Characteristics
C. Texture types: Procedural Image-Map Wrapping vs. Procedural Solids
- Default textures, stored image maps, invented image maps
D. Mapping Projections
- object: flat, cubic, cylindrical, spherical
- environmental (sperical, cubic)
E. Tiling
- Tile scaling and centering
TRY IT: Image Map- Wood
- In a New file, create a 2" x 8" x 6'-0" board (adjust grid snaps)
- ACCESS THE STYLE: In the Surface Styles Palette double click on the active style which is outlined in black.
- SELECT A TYPE OF TEXTURE: In the dialogue box, under Color, choose Image Map at the bottom of the list, then choose Options.
- PICK THE IMAGE MAP: In the Image Map Options dialogue box, choose Load and find MAPLE.TGA from the Course Disks > Course Disk Folder > Arch 410 > TEXTURES > WOOD folder, hit OK twice to exit.
- ACCESS THE TEXTURE MAP: From the left icon menu, choose TexMap from the 12th row and then click on the 2x8 board.
- ADJUST THE TEXTURE: Adjust the Wrapped TextureHorizontal & Vertical Tiling size to approximately 1'6".
- PREVIEW: At the lower left of the drawing, access the preview circle in a square to change to a Tiled view showing how the texture will be mapped, or a fully Rendered view.
TRY IT: Procedural Solid Shader - Wood
- Duplicate the board created above.
- In the Surface Styles Palette, choose a style to change & double click on it.
- In the dialogue box, under Color, choose Wood from the second group of textures.
- ASSIGN THE SURFACE STYLE: From the left icon menu, choose Color from the 12th row and then click on the 2x8 board.
- ACCESS THE TEXTURE MAP: From the left icon menu, choose TexMap from the 12th row and then click on the 2x8 board.
- ADJUST THE TEXTURE: Change the Solid Texture size to approximately 1', adjust the orientation and the mapping of the texture map off of center to give a realistic look.
TRY IT: Bump Textured Image Map - Brick
Standard bricks have a set nominal dimension of 4" wide x 8" long x 2-2/3" high. Can you map the brick arch so that the bricks are to scale?
- Copy brickarch.fmz, birchtree.fmz, Madison St & birch to your guest folder.
- Open brickarch.fmz
- In the Surface Styles Palette
, click on the purple color.
- Under Color, choose Brick, Textured. Adjust colors with Options
- Under Bump, choose Brick, Textured. Play with Options
- From the left icon menu, choose TexMap from the 12th row and then click on the little stepped block.
- Under Wrapped Textures, set Lock to None, Horizontal to 8" and Vertical to 5.333".
- PREVIEW: Find the preview button to the lower right hand corner and switch to tiled and rendered.
- Try adjusting the xyz tile mapping of the texture map to give a realistic look.
- If you have more time, try mapping bricks onto the arch components. Why is the arch split in components this way?
IV. Masks for Reflectivity, Transparency & Bump Maps
Alpha Channel: Grayscale or B&W stencil
Alpha Map lightness can be linked to reflectance, opacity, projection of bump.
TRY IT: Tree profile with transparency mapping
You can add a tree to the brickarch.fmz file by mapping an image onto the polygon.
- In the Surface Styles Palette, double-click on the green cube.
- Under Color, choose Image Map and Load BIRCH.TGA from Course Disks > Course Disk Folder > ARCH410 > TEXTURES > TREES folder. Click OK twice.
- Under Transparency, examine the difference between none and Image Map.
- Under the Transparency Option, Load the Birch image map and toggle the Use Alpha Channel.
V. Environmental characteristics
Background: picture pasted on the back plane
Environmental mapping: what is reflected on surfaces
Depth shading & Fog
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