d e p a r t m e n t   o f   a r c h i t e c t u r e ,   u n i v e r s i t y   o f   o r e g o n


Feb. 18, 1997
Objectives: To see how renderings can serve different purposes. To gain control of texture mapping.

I. Review of Student Projects

II. Renderings and Purpose

A. Analytical vs. Experiential images
. 1. Analytical:

. 2. Experiential:

B. Color

C. Juxtapositions

D. Point of View

E. Lighting

F. Working design tool
. 1. Communication of process
. 2. Physical models for intuition +
. 3. Digital models for

. 4. Image processing/ DTP for presentation consistency

G. Analytical images can explain operations:

III. Textures

A. Surface Appearance
The appearance of a surface is determined by the local color and material and how light hits it.

Shaders: a collection of surface characteristics and shading techniques. Each program sorts particular characteristics. FormZ has:

B. Window vs. Project Characteristics

C. Texture types: Procedural Image-Map Wrapping vs. Procedural Solids
- Default textures, stored image maps, invented image maps

D. Mapping Projections

E. Tiling
- Tile scaling and centering

TRY IT: Image Map- Wood

  1. In a New file, create a 2" x 8" x 6'-0" board (adjust grid snaps)
  2. ACCESS THE STYLE: In the Surface Styles Palette double click on the active style which is outlined in black.
  3. SELECT A TYPE OF TEXTURE: In the dialogue box, under Color, choose Image Map at the bottom of the list, then choose Options.
  4. PICK THE IMAGE MAP: In the Image Map Options dialogue box, choose Load and find MAPLE.TGA from the Course Disks > Course Disk Folder > Arch 410 > TEXTURES > WOOD folder, hit OK twice to exit.
  5. ACCESS THE TEXTURE MAP: From the left icon menu, choose TexMap from the 12th row and then click on the 2x8 board.
  6. ADJUST THE TEXTURE: Adjust the Wrapped TextureHorizontal & Vertical Tiling size to approximately 1'6".
  7. PREVIEW: At the lower left of the drawing, access the preview circle in a square to change to a Tiled view showing how the texture will be mapped, or a fully Rendered view.

TRY IT: Procedural Solid Shader - Wood

  1. Duplicate the board created above.
  2. In the Surface Styles Palette, choose a style to change & double click on it.
  3. In the dialogue box, under Color, choose Wood from the second group of textures.
  4. ASSIGN THE SURFACE STYLE: From the left icon menu, choose Color from the 12th row and then click on the 2x8 board.
  5. ACCESS THE TEXTURE MAP: From the left icon menu, choose TexMap from the 12th row and then click on the 2x8 board.
  6. ADJUST THE TEXTURE: Change the Solid Texture size to approximately 1', adjust the orientation and the mapping of the texture map off of center to give a realistic look.

TRY IT: Bump Textured Image Map - Brick
Standard bricks have a set nominal dimension of 4" wide x 8" long x 2-2/3" high. Can you map the brick arch so that the bricks are to scale?

  1. Copy brickarch.fmz, birchtree.fmz, Madison St & birch to your guest folder.
  2. Open brickarch.fmz
  3. In the Surface Styles Palette , click on the purple color.
  4. Under Color, choose Brick, Textured. Adjust colors with Options
  5. Under Bump, choose Brick, Textured. Play with Options
  6. From the left icon menu, choose TexMap from the 12th row and then click on the little stepped block.
  7. Under Wrapped Textures, set Lock to None, Horizontal to 8" and Vertical to 5.333".
  8. PREVIEW: Find the preview button to the lower right hand corner and switch to tiled and rendered.
  9. Try adjusting the xyz tile mapping of the texture map to give a realistic look.
  10. If you have more time, try mapping bricks onto the arch components. Why is the arch split in components this way?

IV. Masks for Reflectivity, Transparency & Bump Maps

Alpha Channel: Grayscale or B&W stencil

Alpha Map lightness can be linked to reflectance, opacity, projection of bump.

TRY IT: Tree profile with transparency mapping You can add a tree to the brickarch.fmz file by mapping an image onto the polygon.

  1. In the Surface Styles Palette, double-click on the green cube.
  2. Under Color, choose Image Map and Load BIRCH.TGA from Course Disks > Course Disk Folder > ARCH410 > TEXTURES > TREES folder. Click OK twice.
  3. Under Transparency, examine the difference between none and Image Map.
  4. Under the Transparency Option, Load the Birch image map and toggle the Use Alpha Channel.

V. Environmental characteristics

Background: picture pasted on the back plane

Environmental mapping: what is reflected on surfaces

Depth shading & Fog

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