d e p a r t m e n t o f a r c h i t e c t u r e , u n i v e r s i t y o f o r e g o n
Quilts, oriental rugs, friezes and brickwork all can demonstrate how small motifs can be combined to create compositions which read at several different scales. Traditionally, these compositions are based on lattice patterns generated by operations such as translation, reflection, rotation, scaling and glide reflection (MOVE, MIRROR, ROTATE, SCALE, MIRROR + MOVE in AutoCad commands). Computers flourish at doing these geometric transformations because they have a mathematical basis.
1) Find an example from architecture or the decorative arts (see references on reserve at the AAA library) which uses two-dimensional regular patterns in an interesting way and draw it using AutoCad, simplifying with abstraction where desired. Save your file with your e-mail login (i.e. nywc1.dwg).
2) On the same drawing file, create two original variations next to the original: one which is true to the nature of the original and one which is very different in feeling. Strategies include
As a discipline, rather than using different line weights, try creating your drawing with only one line weight, using OFFSET parallel lines to build up visual weight.
Hand-in: PRINT or PLOT all three variations on a 8-1/2 x 11" sheet and bring it to your lab section April 9/10. Hand-in your file to the course disk to the Assign 1 folder.