d e p a r t m e n t   o f   a r c h i t e c t u r e ,   u n i v e r s i t y   o f   o r e g o n
Arch 410/510 - Cheng, Spring 1997

Firm Survey / Research Report

Assignment 5


Option 1: Firm Survey / Interview

Working with other members of the class, refine a set of interview questions which explore how design companies have chosen computer tools and how their business has changed with the adoption of these tools. Examine how the transformation from paper documents to digital information has influenced the processes such as:

Look at steps and strategies for engaging people into the process of technology integration. Put the technology use into context by examining how human factors such as team organization and personnel geographic distribution have shaped the process.

See Edward Robbins', Why Architects Draw, for a relevant study of how the vehicle of information mediates social interaction.

Option 2: Software Comparison

Compare and constrast 3 different CAD systems's features. Explain what aspects make each program appropriate for what situations. Illustrate your comparison by showing work that has been facilitated by particular functionality or interface.

Test your hypothesis by interviewing users in practice who employ these tools. Interviews may be done in person, by phone or by the Internet. User newsgroups may provide information through archives or through feedback messages.

Option 3: The Software Development Process

By examining conference proceedings, periodicals or Web-based media, find an example of technology transfer which has occured from either a professional or an academic setting to the marketplace. Interview individuals involved with the process to discover the mechanism of how practice influences development. From examining this case, recommend steps that can be taken to strengthen the link between the users and the developers.


Each student needs to sign-up for a date for presenting orally their work. Report results need to be digitally documented (ClarisWorks, MS Word, Pagemaker, HTML, etc). Creative presentation / documentation methods may be proposed.

Hand-out: Tuesday, April 15
Hand-in:Tuesday, April 29th: Proposal due
Tuesday, May 20th: Draft Report Due
May 20-May 29th: Student Presentation
Tues, June 9th: Final Oral Summaries & Final Report

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