Architectural Design magazine [London], Tensile Structures,
Profile no. 117, v. 65, no. 9-10, Sept - Oct. AAA NA 4160 . T46 1995.
Berger, Horst, Light structures, structures of light
: the art and engineering of tensile architecture, Basel ; Boston
: Birkhauser, 1996. AAA TA663 .B47 1996.
Blaser, Werner, Santiago Calatrava, Boston :Berkhauser
Verlag,1990. AAA NA1313.C35 S26 1990
Brookes, Alan, Connections : studies in building assembly
, Oxford ; Boston : Butterworth Architecture, 1992. TH2025 .B763 1992
Detail magazine, NA2835 .D4
Ivy, Robert, A + U magazine, no245 (Feb. '91) p. 57-120.
on Fay Jones. (Thorncrown Chapel and Worship Center, Eureka Springs;
Mildred B. Cooper Memorial Chapel, Bella Vista, Ark)
Kolmaier, Georg & Barna van Sartory, Houses of Glass,
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986. NA4140.K5813 198
Mainstone, Richard, Developments in Structural Form,
Cambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Press, 1975. RSRV AAA TH145 .M2796 1975b
Packer, J.A. and J.E. Henderson, Hollow Structural Sections
Connections and Trusses, Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Intitute of Steel
Construction, 1997
Plummer, Henry, Light in Japanese architecture AAA NA6
.A12 1995 June (non-circulating)
Rice, Peter, An Engineer Imagines, London : Artemis,
1994. TH140.R5 E44 1994
Saliga, Pauline and Thorne, Martha, Building in New
Spain, 1992 Vamplada & Pinon, Sants Station plaza; Miralles &
Pinos, Olympic Archery Ranges
Sherman, Donald R., "Designing with Steel Tubing", Modern
Steel Construction, February 1997, pp. 36-45.
University of Hong Kong Architecture Student Projects
See BAAS II's Precedent Studies under PROJECTS.
Van Sweden, James, Gardening with Water, New York :
Random House, c1995, SB475.8 .V35 1995
Water spaces of the world : a pictorial review of water
spaces, Mulgrave, Victoria : Images Publishing Group, c1997, AAA SB475.8
.W38 1997 v.1
Wilkenson, Chris, Supersheds : the architecture of long-span,
large volume buildings, Oxford ; Boston : Butterworth Architecture,
1996. AAA TH4311 .W55 1996
Zalewski, Waclaw & Allen, Edward, Shaping Structures:
Statics, AAA TA648 .Z35 1998
Tubular by design. [Motion picture] Committee of Steel
Pipe Producers of the American Iron and Steel Institute. Produced
by Roger Wade Productions [1970?] FILM Mb193
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Skateboard Parks