u n i v e r s i t y o f o r e g o n - s c h o o l o f a r c h i t e c t u r e & a l l i e d a r t s - d e p a r t m e n t o f a r c h i t e c t u r e
Water, Light & Structure |
Arch 484 / 584 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, CRN 21242 / 21306 MWF 13:00-17:00 Pre-reqs: Arch 282, 682 or 683 Prof. Nancy Cheng http://darkwing. uoregon.edu/~nywc 204 Pacific Hall, telephone 346-3674 nywc@darkwing.uoregon.edu Description The course will concentrate on the design of beautifully composed spaces for human activity the interaction of light and structure In designing a recreation building, students will create a place for the spirit of movement while accommodating technical requirements. The program and presentation requirements will be targeted for the ACSA/STI Hollow Structural Sections Student Design and Engineering Challenge. The program will include Swimming - A hall where water meets light and air Squash - enclosed courts with indirect light Skate-boarding - a landscape for rolling motion Areas of study Precedent cases - program & construction Daylighting & artificial lighting Neighborhood / site context Development of building connections & assemblies Integration of structure and space, rooms and building, building and site Process Throughout the term, students will encouraged to freely generate multiple design variants for reflection, discussion and selection / refinement. We'll try to foster a cooperative environment for experimenting with both traditional and digital design media. Two hours a week have been reserved in the computer lab for trying new design techniques. Those students desiring additional support for digital methods are encouraged to cross enroll in Arch 407/507, a seminar on Design Communication. While students will be encouraged to explore non-rectilinear forms, the site will be chosen to provide constraints to exterior expression. Objectives In this course, students will work towards being able to Develop a design idea in terms of site integration, program accommodation, and formal unity, Integrate structural systems and natural lighting. Find and explore media for design development investigations Requirements: Students are expected to work in studio and exchange ideas with their classmates. Students must bring work to every weekly pin-up and review to receive credit for the class. Attendance at all classes is expected. Repeated tardiness, more than 2 unexcused absences or absence from the final review will be grounds for No Pass. Schedule (subject to amendment)
Evaluation Criteria Process: Ability to understand the brief, synthesize an appropriate solution and develop it Media: Ability to communicate critical issues, visually test out solutions and refine the solutions Content - Site integration, Program accommodation, Formal Composition, Structural system, Daylighting Study skills: takes the initiative to investigate ideas, contributes to class discussions and joint projects.
Program and Site The YMCA would like to partner with the City of Eugene to provide expanded recreational offerings in Amazon Park. The Y would like to create a Family Adventure Center to bring together people of different ages and abilities. The Center would create new intergenerational settings such as Climbing, Fitness, Creative Arts, Water Fun and Sky Adventures as well as traditional Gym, Swimming and Racquet sports. The Y anticipates that the expanded facility would draw additional membership fees which could subsidize access for the less privileged.
In addition to offering recreational activities, the client envisions expanding community services with child-care, a branch library and a café. Support areas would include Locker Rooms, Staff Offices, Mechanical, Electrical, Storage and Toilet rooms. On the existing site, Amazon Park has ball fields, playground, parking and a skateboard bowl that could be relocated. Current renovation plans for the Amazon Park pool include replacing the existing outdoor pool with a new outdoor pool and expanding the locker rooms and office area.