Diego Manco

Hi, I'm Diego, a 6th year PhD student at the University of Oregon. I am on the job market this year. My advisors are Angélica Osorno from Reed College and Dan Dugger.

I am interested in Higher Category Theory and its connections with `K`-theory and homotopy theory. In my PhD thesis I am focusing on (pseudo symmetric) Multicategories and Multifunctors as a setup for multiplicative `K`-theory, with applications to equivariant `K`-theory in mind.

I'm also interested in (non analytic) philosophy of mathematics, particularly in the work of Cavaillès, Lautman, Zalamea and Meillassoux.

Before coming to UO I got a Master's degree in Mathematics at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá, where I worked under the advice of Fernando Zalamea. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the Universidad de Antioquia in Medellín, where I was adviced by Carlos Mario Parra. Around that time I was mainly interested in Logic.

Here's my CV, last updated October 2023.