Campus Energy Project

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Gerlinger Annex: Solar Water Heater


This solar water heater is located on the rooftop of the Gerlinger Annex. The project was completed in the summer of 2003 and its main purpose is to reduce the amount of energy needed to heat water for the building. The panels kick on when they reach a temperature of 135 degrees Fahrenheit, which is pretty much whenever the sun is out. When on, this solar water heater eliminates the need for steam power generation and decreases the need to cool the building due to heat loss in the steam transfer. Although expensive to purchase and install, the energy savings are substantial: substantial enough, in fact, to warrant plans to install similar systems on Condon and Chapman halls this summer.

Solar water heater on the roof of Gerlinger Annex

Roof of Condon Hall
Photo taken by Megan Edgar


Future Plans:

Facilities Services plans on installing similar solar water heaters on the roofs of Condon and Chapman Halls as early as summer 2004.

Roof of Chapman Hall
Photo taken by Megan Edgar


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