Hannah Bronfman
I was born in Portland. I'm majoring in Environmental Science. I got interested in this project through the supportive staff in the Environmental Studies office and my past experience in energy efficiency. |
Beth Otto
I was born in a Lakeview, Oregon, which is a small town in southeast Oregon. I'm a senior in the Environmental Science program. Since entering the program, I've been interested in energy. I care about both aspects of energy: efficient use and clean generation. I see these issues as integrated and a key to our future. |
Matt Peterson
I'm a first year student in the Environmental Studies graduate program, focusing on Conservation Policy. Before returning to school, much of my professional work was in the fields of water and energy conservation. I enjoy working in this field because of the concrete environmental results. |
Joanne Vinton
I was born in Cleveland, Ohio. I'm a post-baccalaureate student in Environmental Studies. I believe that global warming is the biggest threat to endangered species, and that it's caused by burning fossil fuels. I want to be a small part of decreasing use of fossil fuels by encouraging efficient use of energy in Eugene. |
Beth Elise Forman
I grew up in Michigan and I'm in the Architecture Program at UO. I had the pleasure of working with Beth, Hannah and Joanne in ECS 1 and got interested in the Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) that way. I think that providing businesses with information about energy efficiency is essential to motivating them to think towards change. |