Natural History and You, the President's Forum
by David Wagner

Cleaning the Bike Path

The Eugene Natural History Society has adopted a section of the riverbank bike path in Eugene: the one mile on the north side of the river between the Ferry Street Bridge and the Washington-Jefferson Street Bridge. What we do for the city is to monitor the section several times a year and schedule a clean-up work party twice a year or more. The city puts up signs at each end of the bike path section indicating who has been caring for it.

The most recent clean-up took place on November 9, when a small crew (your president) ambled down the path from the Ferry Street to the other end and back. It takes about an hour each way. The city provides tongs to pick up litter and trash bags to put it in. I borrowed a trash cart from a neighbor to hold everything. It was easy to roll down the path, much easier than dragging the trash bags as we have done in the past.

This time, there was very little to pick up. I only found about a half dozen cans and bottles to recycle and less than two gallons of trash. There being so little, I was able to be particularly meticulous. Every single cigarette butt and candy wrapper was gathered, so at the end of the morning the path was immaculate.

The high point of the day was grooming what I call Marge's fern clump. Last year, Marge Zane spent some time grooming this clump and it took little time to repeat the act. Sometime, walk the path and admire this fern clump. Pick up any trash and you can say you're helping out our cause.

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For more information about the society please e-mail: David Wagner

Page last modified: 13 December 2003
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