A [Pinyin] cun4yin1 [Korean] chon'um [Japanese] sun'in [Definition]A short time; moment, instant. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 041 [Strokes] 03 [Total Strokes] 06 [Unicode] 5BFA [Pinyin] si4 [Korean] sa si [Japanese] ji [Definition](1) A temple, a monastery. (2) An office. (3) A lesser court official. (4) The office of the nine government officials. (5) A retainer; a government minister. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 041 [Strokes] 04 [Total Strokes] 07 [Unicode] 5BFE [Variant] [Pinyin] dui4 [Korean] dae [Japanese] tai [Definition]Modern simplified variant of 41-11 [5C0D]. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 041 [Strokes] 04 [Total Strokes] 07 [Unicode] 5BFF [Variant] [Pinyin] shou4 [Korean] su [Japanese] shuu ju su [Definition]Modern simplification of 33-11 [58FD]. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 041 [Strokes] 06 [Total Strokes] 09 [Unicode] 5C01 [Pinyin] feng1 [Korean] bong [Japanese] hou fuu [Definition](1) To enfeoff, i.e., when a king allots land to a vassal often in recognition of loyalty or ability. To bestow honors or confer nobility. (2) A fief, a principality, a region, a territory. A boundary, a dike. (3) To seal up; to blockade. (4) A package or letter. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 041 [Strokes] 06 [Total Strokes] 09 [Unicode] 5C02 [Variant] [Pinyin] zhuan1 [Korean] jeon [Japanese] sen [Definition]Modern simplification of 41-8 [5C08]. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 041 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 10 [Unicode] 5C04 [Pinyin] she4 shi2 ye4 [Korean] sa seog [Japanese] sha [Definition](1) To shoot an arrow. Archery. (2) To grow weary of; tire of. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 041 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 10 [Unicode] 5C05 [Variant] [Pinyin] ke4 [Korean] geug [Japanese] koku [Definition](1) Win, be victorious, overcome. (2) To be able to deal with; to handle well. (3) To make a hard promise. (4) Strict, severe. (5) Kill, murder. Synonymous with 18-7 . [Credit] acm
[Radical] 041 [Strokes] 07 [Total Strokes] 10 [Unicode] 5C06 [Variant] [Pinyin] jiang1 jiang4 [Korean] jang [Japanese] shou [Definition]Simplified variant of 41-8 [5C07]. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 041 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 11 [Unicode] 5C07 [Variant] [Pinyin] jiang1 jiang4 [Korean] jang [Japanese] shou [Definition](1) To bring, to offer; to employ; to take, to hold, to have. (2) Soon, from now; to be about to (do); indication of the future. (3) Using, with, by means of[]. (4) To nourish, to care for, protect. (5) A leader, a commander. The general of an army. [Credit] acm
[Pinyin] jiang1lai2 [Korean] jangnae [Japanese] shourai [Definition](1) The future; from now. (2) To come carrying. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 041 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 11 [Unicode] 5C08 [Variant] [Pinyin] zhuan1 [Korean] jeon [Japanese] sen [Definition](1) To be single, simple, exclusive, special; self sufficient. Single, only (). (2) Concentrate, focus (on). (). Concentrated on, devoted to, single-minded. (3) Exclusively, chiefly, entirely, specially. (4) To act on one's own responsibility, to act according to one's own will: monopolistically, tyrannically, dictatorially. The graph shows a hand picking up a locust. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 041 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 11 [Unicode] 5C09 [Pinyin] wei4 yu4 [Korean] wi ul [Japanese] i utsu jou [Definition](1) [wei4 wi i] To dominate. (2) A commander. Official title. In ancient China, a minister of justice; a county sheriff, who is responsible for controlling criminals. (3) Comfort, console, soothe, alleviate, pacify. (4) [yu4 ul utsu] To stretch, spread, smooth out, flatten. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 041 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 12 [Unicode] 5C0A [Pinyin] zun1 [Korean] jon jun [Japanese] son [Definition](1) Honorable, to honor, to venerate. (2) A sage or worthy. (3) Excellent, superb. (4) () One who has perfected his/her practice; a buddha. [Credit] acm
q [Radical] 041 [Strokes] 09 [Total Strokes] 12 [Unicode] 5C0B [Pinyin] xun2 xin2 [Korean] sim [Japanese] jin [Definition](1) To seek, request, inquire, investigate. (2) Soon, quickly. (3) Get, grasp, accumulate, possess. (4) The distance measured by the two arms extended--eight Chinese feet. [Credit] acm
q [Pinyin] xun2chang2 [Korean] simsang [Japanese] jinjou [Definition]Standard, common, ordinary. Lit. "a xun or a chang in size." [Credit] acm
[Radical] 041 [Strokes] 11 [Total Strokes] 14 [Unicode] 5C0D [Variant] [Pinyin] dui4 [Korean] dae [Japanese] tai [Definition](1) To reply, to respond, to answer. (2) Reply, response, answer. (3) To face, to meet, be facing. To compare. (4) Partner, opponent. (5) To oppose, be opposite to, compare or contrast qualitatively. (6) To make a pair, to match, to suit, to be compatible; agreeing with. [Credit] acm
[Pinyin] dui4dai4 [Korean] daedae [Japanese] taitai [Definition]To deal with; attitude towards. [Credit] acm
g [Pinyin] dui4yang2 [Korean] daeyang [Japanese] taiyou [Definition]To understand well the decree of heaven, or decree of the emperor, and to manifest it in oneself clearly for everyone. (2) iŁj At a Buddhist sermon, where a wise student engages the teacher with appropriate questions so that everyone can be benefited. [Credit] acm
[Pinyin] dui4bi3 [Korean] daebi [Japanese] taihi [Definition]To contrast; to set against. [Credit] acm
[Pinyin] dui4zhi4 [Korean] daechi [Japanese] taiji [Definition]To correct, to fix. To remove or end delusion. [Credit] acm
[Pinyin] dui4bian4 [Korean] daebyeon [Japanese] taiben [Definition]'Contrastively compare'. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 041 [Strokes] 13 [Total Strokes] 16 [Unicode] 5C0E [Pinyin] dao3 dao4 [Korean] do [Japanese] dou [Definition]To guide, lead, teach, instruct, serve as a master to. Guidance, instruction. [Credit] acm
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